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Everything posted by shiney42

  1. a lift sounds like it would be more work then just having a implant put in. But I'm really not sure I haven't looked into it Yet! once I lose weight they will go back down, for me if I had the implant put in and it achived the lift and is it less work yet just adding a size... I'm ok with that... I have less then 75 pounds to lose
  2. I bet you can hardly breathe - from the excitment, you're almost there =D>
  3. I wouldn't think any insurance covers this.... because we wouldn't have gotten approved in the first place, I guess it all depends what coverage you have.... You have to find a doc that will take a you too because of being band in MX There is a thread where a woman went to MX and was back home the same day, Tho I do think she lived in CA,
  4. Just wondering - Say a person just went with implants, Would they need a lift too? I would think the implant would do the job Like I don't think my boobs are that bad, I was always a 36 C and over the last 3 years I've grown to a 42 D because of the weight... I was hoping I could just get a small implant and Not a lift........ And I want to find a Doctor that goes through the arm pit! Gee I hope I could..........
  5. Oh how lovely to come across another Long Islander > South Shore - Babie.... Nassau country transplant. OG - Queens, Ozone Park NY. So what helped me make my decision. I googled Lap Band, and read & read everything I could find. Googled the cost knowing my insurance would Never cover it. And thought Oh well 12,000 If I had to I would do But I didn't know if I could do more then that. But see Doc O's name came up a few times, so I Googled him, I Was impressed - VERY impressed and got a price from OCC. I was LIKE Wow - even more impressed. So like you I kept reading & came here. The ladies are great here - they answer all my questions... I will say this the few bad stories I've read about the Lap Band most of them were band here in the states Or not by Doc O.. So first it was the Band( itself) Doc O & PRICE! Also Jet blue out of JFK has direct flights and I paid 238. I plan on going back to OCC for my 6 week fill. I also feel if airfare is that price or less, then it just may - be worth it to go back to OCC for the fills.... OCC offers a package deal too. If it's going to cost 400 - 600 for a fill here in NY Or I have to drive 50 miles by myself for a fill, at a USA Fill center that is less expensive - it just maybe easier to jump on the plane & also have peace of mind knowing that people who are well experienced will be taking care of me. So I'm really not worried about fills, here... I am paying for a girlfriend to come with me & my boys are old enough that I could leave them. They attend Holy Trinity High School in Hicksville - They have 2 of the 4 days off while I’m gone. They can handle themselves. My husband owns his own business so the little guy could go to work for those days( actually earn a couple of days salary!) Pm me if you want to talk more personal shiney
  6. OM Goodness- just last month I thought the same way! I'm 5'3 193-196. BMI"s 33 - 34.5. I’ve spent the last 21 years as a yo yo dieter..... I now weigh the most I’ve ever in my life. I'm 44 yrs old a mother of 2 boys. My oldest is Graduating High school this June and I have a 15yr. old.... I go on the “Healthy way” of eating for 6 months thinking the less I put in my mouth the better I am. Drop 20 pounds, Then I given in. 4 months later I'm right back where I started.... If I could lose 50-60 #'s and KEEP it off - You better believe it's worth it to me, I don't mind doing some bike riding, swim laps, walk the neighborhood for exercise. I can't wait to end this yo yo cycle... How unhealthy is it to spend years of yo yo dieting/ Not good - using diet pills, fat burners, and all the other crap I've tried to lose weight. I too thought people would think I was lazy and should just diet instead of being Banded... Well I tried that and have never been successful... I will be banded on May20th, And it can’t happen sooner.... From everything I’ve read on Doc O - I’m very happy that I’ve chose OCC to have this done.. PS, Only cause my husband freaked, You may want to think of starting to tell your husband about Doc O and how good he is and show him what the clinic looks like before you launch into Oh BTW it's in Mexico - LOL Also tell him that everywhere else does the procedure at 31 an above......
  7. Naaaaaaaa it's no picnic at the texas border, it all depends what area...... in one weekend 12 dead bodies, and how many have been headless.... from what I read they cleaned up TJ.... Here is an interesting link http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/03/22/us/BORDER.html But Kat I'm going and I plan on relaxing right at the hotel, It's not like I can eat, drink and dance.. I made sure I landed in the day time & took off early too. I would not want to land when it was close to dark or dark out, For me It can be scary at that time just because you don't know where you are...... But I feel totally fine in going
  8. MY BMI is 34 & I'm going for it.... I'll be banded on May20th..... I'll add to this post after DWTS........... Sorry I just love the show
  9. Ohhhhhhhhh, See I'm thinking Gas = bloat. I most likely am thinking the procedure and post op is worse then it is. Which could be a good thing, Making me breeze right through it all........ I wake up bad from anesthesia.... Nothing to cause any complications, more like nauseous, and needing a bucket type thing, and stuff like that
  10. thanks I'll see if I find a box of the gas x strips, I have the chewables, I'm thinking about those incission and how I don't want anything rubbing on them. even the sports bra, besides the gas, when you get out of surgey how bloated are you
  11. Holy Crap! You look gorgous, so that tube with the swollen Vajj is the tummy tuck? and How did you get your friends picture of her slipped band? OMG!
  12. thanks, I didn't know if the doctors set it for you or it goes by the BMI charts For me I got married at 130, and always liked myself at 138, that's a great weight you me. But I could settle for 145! Nothing any higher... So that will me my goal Gosh I just got the chills with butterflies in my belly thinking 138............ shiney
  13. right back at ya.....BCB =D> so I have to ask what did you pack? I was thinking a few sun dresses/cotton dresses lose fiting and flip flops with a hoodie sweat shirt. I have a 6 hour flight, with time change there and over 5 hours back home. I know this is TMI, but I hate wearing a bra, an only wear one out of the house. I'm thinking even with a sports bra, would the bottom of the bra be sitting on any of the incision & irritate them......... I wouldn't want to do anything to infect them Oh & I'm in NY, I am thinking it's got to be in the 70's there- Right?
  14. Hi - WB Congrats on your band.... I'm a little confussed how many weeks has it been from when you were band, till your first fill? And I noticed you said the area where you had the port put in... Is it in a different place then the others?
  15. So far out the few nightmare stories I have read - Majority of them were done ihere n the states.. WOW!
  16. Instead of starting another thread hope you don't mind me asking here How did everyone decide what their target/goal weight would be?
  17. Thanks I feel good and I'm so ready!Now I just wonder how my Patience will hold up, I’ve always been short on them! Every time I'm in a store I grab something that I should bring with me I picked up a box Gas X - I On here I saw Gas X strips i don't know if i got the right ones a 10 pack on those Crystal light to go packets and a small box of chicken bullion cubes...... Oh I’m sooooooooo Loving this! Someone mention liquid Tylenol - I wonder - was that for pain or fever? Cause I’d have to drink half the bottle if it’s for pain, it doesn’t work for me And online here it mentioned Gas X Strips... Now is that the same as what I got? Oh I was thinking about the Optifast drinks I wonder if it has a nutrition label for me to read? I went there and took a peek around - Guess I’ll go back and see if I could find it
  18. I think this place of great! and the more threads I open the better understanding I have, I'm also booked for May 20th....... I love the idea about coughing it up may unstick ya
  19. Morning Ladies Is the heating pad used just to soothe the area? Or does the heat do something to help bring the food down?
  20. Sorry don't know if it was asked, But How do the optifast drinks taste? I drink the Atkin drinks - Just wondering if I should buy some opitfast instead Thanks shiney
  21. Holy crap that's great, I know this is an old thread but- Good for you! They eventually come around I am doing it with NO support what so ever, tho he did buy mine & my friends plane tickets, He just doesn't want me doing this in TJ. And won't even talk to me about this with out fighting, So I just don't discuss it anymore..... I'm just doing what I got to do.........
  22. I got the Pre-Operative Patient Check-list and that's all about payments & Calling Rene & then Call Dr. Miranda at least 10 days prior to surgery with pre-op diet questions 1-866-376-7849 Ext. 86 or drmiranda@obesitycontrolcenter.com (only patients with BMI over 40 and/or over 250 pounds – patients under that can just start pre-op diet per instructions in paperwork) And 8 hour fast before And then The after booking letter............ So I guess that's all right? But still someone should call you with infor like the gas x - stuff, Not everyone is PC savvy. And if I didn't stumble across the topic, ...... I really never thought about chewable tablets, This is a wonderful site & everyone helps everyone, But it should be their responsibility to make sure we know certain things before we get there.... I'm not B*tching I just think I'm going to be their patient - not yours.... Or anyone here , that I have to depend on them or myself to find things out.... I started my list today on what to pack what I want to ask and what to make sure I have in the house to come home to...
  23. I just thought the office would call to explain stuff to me... I just find it a little - I don't know, it seems rather cold, like OK 500 bucks needs to be here in 3 days & heres you diet option & don't forget to e-mail (so & So ) with your travel arrangments at lest 10 days before... Oh BTW if you have any questions about the diet - get in touch with Dr. Miranda Like if I didn't come here there is NO one telling me to bring gas X, or anything I did expect someone to call me! I did send my money, which means they are holding the date, - Maybe it's just me I know I could e-mail any questions, BUT I would have never thought to ask about what bra I would wear or chewable( I would never thought about ) chewable gas x
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