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A roll call... of sorts?

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1. Name: Tane

2. Location: Virginia Beach, VA

3. Age: 32 yikes 33 is just around the corner..

4. Band Date: Soon!! Jan. 29, 2009

5. Married: Will be 2 years V-day

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 2 sphynx (the hairless kind)

7. Hobby(ies): Reading like crazy, watching movies and reading some more

8. Work: Sales and Marketing

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I was tired of being fat and I had an accident a few years ago and messed up my back and I am tired of it hurting, so figured if I lost a ton it would not hurt so bad...

10. Interesting factoid: I am a huge Twilight fan..

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1. Name: Amanda

2. Location: Calgary, AB

3. Age: 28

4. Band Date: Nov 5, 2008

5. Married: Nope, as single as they come.

6. Children of the human or furry kind: Two dogs, 5 year old boston terrier and 8 year old bassethound

7. Hobby(ies): Playing my instruments, painting and drawing, knitting, reading

8. Work: I'm considering a career change right now, though I am still working at a job I can't stand much anymore.

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: Developing a near-fatal DVT that resulted in bilateral PEs as a result of excessive estrogen production due to years of carrying too much weight. And well, I'm just sick of the constant battle.

10. Interesting factoid: I single-handedly delayed the qualifying luge runs at the 1988 winter olympics by spilling hot chocolate on the luge track. Go me!

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1. Name: Anle

2. Location:Missouri

3. Age:45

4. Band Date:December 22, 2008

5. Married: Yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 2 boys 22 yrs and 17 yrs - 2 dogs and 1 cat

7. Hobby(ies): hanging out with my friends at the river

8. Work: Educator

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: health issues - unable to lose weight even with moderate exercise

10. Interesting factoid: Just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary

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1. Name: Lisa

2. Location:Loganville,Georgia

3. Age:37

4. Band Date:10/3/08

5. Married: yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 3 human kids :-)

7. Hobby(ies): my computer,reading

8. Work: stay at home mom

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: tired of yo yo dieting

10. Interesting factoid: nothing, i'm boring :-)

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1. Name: Sarah

2. Location: San Francisco Bay Area

3. Age: 33 (still in denial)

4. Band Date: 12/3/08 (first day of my new life!)

5. Married: Yes- 10 yrs, 11 months, 10 days... and loving every minute of it! 11 yr wed. anniversay is in 10 days!

6. Children of the human or furry kind:No, but desperately trying! Hoping my new band will help make our dream of little munchkins come true.

7. Hobby(ies): Traveling...I absolutely love to travel & read

8. Work: Trauma ICU Nurse. I also just got my Nurse Practitioner licence. Next step..Doctorate.

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I gained all my weight a couple of years ago when I lost my sister. Food suddenly was the only thing that could comfort me like she did. Now.. a couple years later.. I dont recognize the person I see in the mirror. So, I find myself not looking in the mirror that much. Well, I decided that has to stop..& I hope by losing wt, I can FINALLY have little munchkins running around.

Lastly, when I was coming back from being banded, at the checkpoint, they gave me a hard time coming thru because my license and passport picture were soo different. I had to explain to him that I look different because I am FAT now! I knew right then, I had made the best decision of my life to be banded.

10. Interesting factoid: When I was 8 or so.. I put a bobby-pin in the wall electrical socket. Well... I electricuted myself! For 1 yr, I felt I had ants crawling all over me.

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1. Name:Sue

2. Location: Orlando, Fl area

3. Age: 62 (say it ain't so -- how did it happen?)

4. Band Date:11/24/08

5. Married: Widow for 26 years -- never met another one as wonderful

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 2 grown human types; currently 3 female kitties. I take in rescues.

7. Hobby(ies):Travel all over the world; reading -- a passion; quilting -- my escape; and about a zillion other things

8. Work:High school literature teacher/ college adjunct

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded:my knees and back were giving out

10. Interesting factoid: I lost a bet with my students and ended up with the school mascot tattooed on my left shoulder! Anything for the kids!

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1. Name: Michelle :D

2. Location:San Diego/Tijuana

3. Age: 32

4. Band Date:12/22/08

5. Married: um yes, divorce will be final in Feb. wooohoooo!!

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 1 boy 5 years old in February

7. Hobby(ies): Cooking, Cake baking and decorating, ( working on it)- traveling

8. Work:Registered Dental Assistant with Expanded Functions

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: OMG, saw my cousin, who was always fluffier than me growing up, wearing a size 3!!! (but now she looks like a bobble head! LOL! J/K!!!!)

10. Interesting factoid: Can't think of one right now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Name: Melanie

2. Location:Taber Alberta Canada

3. Age: 31 for a few more weeks anyway

4. Band Date:TBA

5. Married: close enough

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 3 girls 10, 1 and a fury 13 month cairn terrirer

7. Hobby(ies): Games~ XBOX, PSP, DS, Wii and bowling this is my first year on a team and I love it

8. Work: Nursing

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: Scale just keeps climbing. Want to live to meet my grandkids and to play with my kids right now

10. Interesting factoid: I got to carry the olympic flame in 1988 when it came to Calgary. I was only in grade 5 at the time.

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1. Name: Jenelle

2. Location:Calgary Alberta Canada

3. Age: 27

4. Band Date: January 15, 2009

5. Married: Not Yet, Still Looking ;)

6. Children of the human or furry kind: Molly, 6mth old Bichon Shihtuz Pup

7. Hobby(ies): Hiking Camping Knitting Reading

8. Work: Landscape Architecutral Tech

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I just cannot control the amount of food I put in my mouth!

10. Interesting factoid: I have been to all the Provinces in Canada, expect Newfoundland and Labourdor and the Territories, and I have been to 17 States!

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1. Name: Laron

2. Location:Dallas, TX

3. Age: 39

4. Band Date: January 16, 2009

5. Married: Happily for 17 years

6. Children of the human or furry kind: Michael (10) and Rachel (6) are my two human children...Dogs - Dallas, Buster, Ozzie....Cats - London, Sabrina

7. Hobby(ies): Reading, Riding my Motorcycle,

8. Work: www.TheColonyMassage.com

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I exercise and lose weight, but I eat and put it back on (and then some). So, I needed help controlling the food intake.

10. Interesting factoid: My wife and I were penpals during the Persian Gulf War before we ever met face to face.

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1. Name: Janet

2. Location: Yuma, Arizona: From San Diego

3. Age: 50

4. Band Date: 01/12/2009

5. Married: yes ( to a wonderful man)

6. Children of the human or furry kind: I have 2 children and 3 grandchildren

7. Hobby(ies): sewing, quilting and playing with my grandchildren

8. Work: Tax Accountant

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: Went a healthier Life

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1. Name: Julie

2. Location: Fremont, CA

3. Age: 37

4. Band Date: 4/10/01

5. Married: yes

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 1 son who is 12, two doggies, Lisa & Lucy, 4 kitties, Gino, Eddie, Stockton and Isabella

7. Hobby(ies): Going to the movies, camping, Maui

8. Work: Software Engineer

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: My son turned 5 and my cholesterol hit 240!

10. Interesting factoid: I'm a workaholic. It sort of sucks :(

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1. Name: Leyla

2. Location: Seattle, WA

3. Age: 25

4. Band Date: 11/26/2008

5. Married: no

6. Children of the human or furry kind: a pet turtle

7. Hobby(ies): traveling, reading, scrap-booking, fashion

8. Work: Public Health specialist for the City of Seattle

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: This was it for me. I had a few friends lose weight and regain the lives back. I knew this was the best thing I could do for myself.

10. Interesting factoid: I have traveled to every continent except Antarctica

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1. Name:Debbie

2. Location: Mobile Al

3. Age:54

4. Band Date: 7/22/08

5. Married:yes 36 yrs to the most amazing man!

6. Children of the human or furry kind:1 son 31 yrs; 1 daugter 26

7. Hobby(ies): computer, reading, swimming, traveling

8. Work: retired, from pediatric dental practice

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: couldn't walk to mailbox without being out of breath, couldn't buckle airline seatbelt, refused to ask for extender!!

10. Interesting factoid: My children were born on same day six years apart,and it was not a scheduled section, natural childbirth, which is my Dad's birthday!!

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1. Name:Kim Kendra

2. Location:Canada

3. Age:33

4. Band Date:Dec. 2/08

5. Married: Wonderful husband of 8 years

6. Children of the human or furry kind: a daughter who is one and a puppy who is one

7. Hobby(ies): Reading

8. Work: Teacher

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I felt like I had struggled with my weight my entire life and I'd been on every diet. I knew I had determination, but I needed something more to help me keep the weight off.

10. Interesting factoid: I actually enjoy jogging.


223: Decision Weight (Nov. 15/08)

210: End of Pre-Op Weight (Dec. 2/08)

206: End of Post-Op Liquid Diet Weight (Dec. 24/08)

204: First Fill Weight (Jan. 14/09)

201: Current Weight (Jan. 28/09)

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1. Name: Christy

2. Location:Chattanooga, TN

3. Age: 26

4. Band Date: Jan 8, 09

5. Married: no, Been with my bf for over 5 years though

6. Children of the human or furry kind: nope

7. Hobby(ies): Reading , traveling, movies, cooking

8. Work: General Manager for a retail company

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I have lost weight (tons) on extreme diets and extreme exercise but I knew that wasnt a realistic life change - and I wanted 2009 to be a fresh start - for a lifestyle change that was doable... did I mention my little sister is getting married in june??? lol

10. Interesting factoid: My boyfriend is 13 years older than me! Oh and during my post op liquid diet, I couldnt stop watching the food network lol

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1. Name:Anna

2. Location:Willow Springs,NC

3. Age:47yo

4. Band Date:8/15/08

5. Married:yes,but soetimes I wonder what I was thinking,lol

6. Children of the human or furry kind:3 human(2girls1boy) and 4 Furry kinds

7. Hobby(ies):Reading and computers

8. Work:RS Medical, LPN

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: yo-yo dieting not working and so many illnesses poping up

10. Interesting factoid: I really love my Pogo games

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1. Name:Katie

2. Location:Greenfield, IL

3. Age:38

4. Band Date:03/05/07

5. Married:For almost 12 years

6. Children of the human or furry kind:4 kids, two dogs and three cats

7. Hobby(ies):Cars

8. Work:ER nurse

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: My joints ached, my back hurt, and i was always so tired

10. Interesting factoid: I can wrench on an engine and drive an 18 wheeler

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1. Name: Jennifer S.

2. Location: Palm Beach County, FL

3. Age: 31

4. Band Date: 1/19/09

5. Married: Nerp! Had 2 long term relationships and a few years of single life recently :)

6. Children of the human or furry kind: 1 daughter (Savannah) - she is 6! Born the day after Christmas.

7. Hobby(ies): Photography

8. Work: Portrait Photographer (FT) and Ophthalmic Tech (PT) www.sampson-photography.com

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: I'll be completely honest here - I dreaded running into anyone I knew while out and about. I stayed home and decined more invitations than I could ever count/recall. I consider myself attractive (face/feet/lol!)

and personable but grossly overweight. I want to date, I want to be desired, I want to march into any place confidently as I did in the past. I was obese at 11 yrs old. But the last 20 years (exactly 20 yrs wow!) I have been up and down - gaining and losing the same 50-60lbs...sick of this!! The banding was not really for my health or any 'good' reason other than FEELING PRETTY AND BEING CONFIDENT...just keepin' it real! :D

10. Interesting factoids: I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.

I woo men with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook Thirty- Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru.

Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cell. I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I'm bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays I repair electrical appliances free of charge.

I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. I don't perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been caller number nine and have won the weekend passes. Children trust me.

I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. I have performed several covert operations for the CIA. I sleep once a week; when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me.

I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven. I breed prize winning clams. I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis.



Some Democrats. A few Republicans.

Intellectual and ghetto-lectual conversations.

The word "audacity."


A strong cup of coffee.


Fresh sheets.

Good hair days.

Naughty texts.

Visual arts.

Spiritual, uplifting, positive people.

Firmly telling someone to eff off when appropriate.

People who can get the paradox of the two above.

Progress not perfection.

Positive bank balances.

Savannah's confident stroll to her classroom.

New clients.

Returning clients.

Spontaneous I love you's.

Working thru my character defects.





Touching wet shower walls.

General bitchery.

Poor grammar.

Missing my mouth while sipping what-ev.

Cleaning my bathroom twice a week.


Alarm clocks.

Sweat-inducing fabrics.

Body hair.


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1. Name: Brenda

2. Location: Calgary,Ab

3. Age: 41

4. Band Date: 02/03/09 (two more sleeps...yipee!!!)

5. Married: 18 1/2 years

6. Children of the human or furry kind: boy 15, girl,14, boy12.5, 2 furry daughters

7. Hobby(ies): Right now...card making! Anything creative...anything that I can be compulsive about and buy all the supplies there is...then move on to the next "hobby", reading,spending time with friends

8. Work: owner of a cake shop...created it and built it from ground up almost 16 years ago! We specialize in doing art/drawing on cakes

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: being able to lose weight but never keep it off. Tired of shopping in the "plus size stores" where I can't find my style!!! I want to shop in the "normal" stores and feel good about the skin I am in!

10. Interesting factoid: I never took maternity leave with my children...being a business owner, I worked till I gave birth and went right back to work a few days later...mama had to bring home the bacon ...and apparently ate it all myself!!!

Thanks to everyone who shared!

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1. Name: Babe

2. Location: Vancouver, Canada

3. Age: 30

4. Band Date: 02/16/09 (2 weeks to go!!!)

5. Married: nope

6. Children of the human or furry kind: none yet, but hopefull a furry pooch sometime this year

7. Hobby(ies): shopping... mostly the window type (i need a winning lottery ticket!)

8. Work: mental health support worker

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: i was tired of beating my head against a brick wall - i'm unhappy being fat and i'm not living the life i want to... it's time to change that

10. Interesting factoid: i'm really not all that interesting (ok pathetic cop out, i know, but i couldn't think of anything)

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1. Name: Tanya

2. Location: Kansas

3. Age: 41

4. Band Date: 4-3-2008

5. Married: Not yet, getting married for the 2nd time 4-4-09

6. Children of the human or furry kind: I have 3 kids 2 girls, 19 and 13 and a boy 17, 3 soon to be step kids, girl 24, girl 18, boy 15

7. Hobby(ies): gardening and playing cards

8. Work: Nurse (LPN)

9. What was the deciding factor(s) on getting banded: Got tired of going on diets, losing weight, only to gain back the weight I lost plus more.

10. Interesting factoid: I am a grandma thanks to my soon to be step daughter. A boy 1-25-09 6 lbs 1 oz. Was a 4 week premie, so still in the hospital, but doing good. Can't wait for him to get to go home so we can hold him!!

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