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ONE MONTH POST OP---today!!! minus 30 lbs

Minus 30 today!!! 2 more to go and never again will I see the 200's!!! I am exactly one month post op and onto soft foods. I was a little excited about the whole soft foods things but after having the poached egg, not so excited anymore. Interesting how the food did not go down so easy, its kind of hard to explain, but slow going and by the time I was done the egg was cold and I had enough anyways. You sure can feel how somethings are easy to go down and others cause you discomfort. That's a go



-20 One month from the beginning

Hello Everyone!! I am officially past the 1 month mark from when I made my decision and started the PRE OP diet. I am down exactly 20lbs for my 1 month anniversary. I am now on day 10 POST OP, I am still on the liquid only part of the diet and can not say I am bored with it. Soup is my friend! Yogurts and Protein Shakes get me through the day. If I feel the need to chew I get a piece of gum. I can not believe how EASY this whole thing has been. I think today was the first time I felt hunger. I



I DID IT!!!!

I am on day 6 of POST OP... OMG this was so EASY, everything was well put together from the OCC office. I was on the 2 day liquid only diet which was easy enough, just kept water and protein shakes on hand when I felt my big guts eating my little guts, I would fill up on a shake. Omar was our driver and a very kind man who got us where we needed to be. The Marriot was the best, the pool is where I spent a few days recovering, the Chicken broth was so delish, Frank in the restaurant was very nice



7 more sleeps

Protein drinks x 3 and salads are going down well, I am very close to the suggested 5% weight loss and going strong. Focused and hoping this week flies by! Had a terrible cold the past week but on the mend, popsicles really helped with the sore throat. Now exercise and water water water. Was curious about the pre op tests? Is there a test where there is a camera put down your throat? And a little curious about the drain after surgery? Is it bothersome? Thanks in advance for any answers.




ME ME ME.....This is me! I am well into this program for the past 9 days, flew fast the 3 week pre-op diet, well into my 2nd week pre op diet, easypeasy! I think the reason it is easy for a few reasons, I do not have to cook for anyone, I only look after myself. Everyone else can fend for themselves. I have cleaned out a cabinet that only stores my food and supplements. So I have no need to open the pantry. I made my own sugar free popsicles and also took 2 oz's of my chocolate shake and put in



The countdown is on!

My decision has been made and this is the heaviest I am for the last time in my life!! The date is March 21st in the picture of the weigh scale.Coming from Alberta Canada, I am so confident in choosing this facility and I am very excited. My surgery date is April 13,2015. I have started my pre-op diet and will say the dreaded headache from withdrawal of sugar/carbs only lasted a day. I am in full swing now just really working on getting the 8 glasses of water into me. I am doing something physic



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