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Everything posted by tootsie_lou

  1. YAY Louise!--Glad that worked for you!! I think Shelby has a point--that when you don't eat enough calories your body conserves the energy it has stored up so you don't lose any fat. Keep going! (I had the bodybugg coaching last week--the lady was so nice and showed me a whole bunch of stuff in my program to work with. Could I thank you again for telling me about it? It is really helping me turn a corner with my weigh loss. I wear it everyday and update my food log regularly.)
  2. Hello and welcome!! You will find many smart and super-nice people here--as well as many friends!!
  3. I like the Syntha-6 powders also. For me it's a toss up between the Cookies 'n Cream and Vanilla Ice Cream. I make one every morning and enjoy it on my drive into work.
  4. Hey Red!! Congratulations on making the decision to have the lap-band done by Dr Ortiz! He and his team of professional are all dearly loved!! I think the best way to have many of your husband's concerns answered is to see if he would read this forum. Folks have posted on practically every aspect of this subject (and then some) on this forum. There is a search feature up near the top of the page to narrow it down to the subjects he has questions about. Also, Dr Ortiz wrote a book called "Lap-band for Life", that answers a lot of questions for folks that are at the exact stage in the process that you are. It is sold out alot at the OCC website, but Amazon.com usually has copies available. Good luck to you and know that everyone on this forum is with you on this!!
  5. It seems to be speculated alot that "water weight" or what have you is worse in the morning. I always weigh myself in the morning specifically because I think I have less water retention in the a.m. I think it is something more on the line of how our eyes work in the morning. You know, they are hard to get open and focused at first, just because they've been closed (or unused) all night. I think it is the same with my stomach--it hasn't had to deal with me swallowing anything for 8 hours, and needs to wake up also. It seems to respond well to my first hot cup of coffee (as do my eyes -- haha).
  6. So glad you found what outwhat was going on in time. Thank you for the good information. Sometimes on this forum it sounds like PB is no big deal--but from the sounds of what you went through, it seems obvious that we need to avoid it if at all possible.
  7. I hear you on how great it would be to head to the OCC for all of our fills. For us on the east coast, it seriously becomes a matter of time, in addtion to the airfare, etc. Also, in support of Fill Centers USA, I think they are fantastic specifically because they are servicing folks banded elsewhere. The provider in Tampa was very familiar with Dr Ortiz and his way of doing things.
  8. Hey Louise! I was knitting at the OCC waiting for my daughter to finish with her teeth whitening and talking with the dentist. I'm getting ready to start a duster sweater for this winter (when it actually gets cool enough to wear a sweater here in FL). It is great therapy and a wonderful way to pass time productively.
  9. Hi Stormy, I just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking about you today. It is so hard when this sort of thing is done by a family member, of all people. Is this in character for your sister? At any rate, hug your beautiful mommy today and, like was said, be glad you got her out of that situation. All your lapband friends are here for you in this.
  10. I use the bodybugg, which has a "calories consumed" component. It keeps me accountable and works better for me than a written food diary/log. Also have used fitday.com in past, which is also very cool if your into working with it on your computer.
  11. Aw (tear in eye) --that is too sweet! There is nothing like a great friend. You are lucky to have each other.
  12. Hey Denise! Happy 1-year anniversary to you! Nothing says it like your pictures do. You have done so well. Can't wait for the post-op pics!!
  13. Oh my gosh--how beautiful!! What a princess!! Just beautiful! (Cute date, too )
  14. Hey Lena! Thanks for posting your pictures and not including any that show your catered spread of food--haha. I agree with everyone else--you have a beautiful family. Congratulations!
  15. So glad Dr So could put your mind at ease a little bit. Could you just eat him up!?! He gave me and my daughter (15 now, 13 at 1st fill) our first fills, and she had a devil of a time with the needle issue. We are talking serious terror here. He tried everything, and numerous times he would have her port area cleaned and ready to go, and she would literally put her hands over her port to keep him from doing it. Finally, he gave her one of the little yellow pills that we had put under our tongues prior to surgery, and we went to the waiting room to wait for it to take effect. Within a half an hour she had 1cc in her band. (Incidentally, when he went out the door to get her pill, I asked him to consider bringing three, one for all of us-haha.) He could not have been sweeter during the whole thing--never lost his cool or his sense of humor. Many doctors would have scolded her (as I was trying to keep from doing), but he remained just as sweet and friendly as he could be. I'm so glad he was there for you. Great advice regarding calling OCC both given and taken on this one. Good girl!
  16. I know CanadianBandster had it done last month and she said it was pretty painful. Don't you just love what we will endure for these bodies of ours. I recently got permanent makeup on/in my lips and they swelled up to where my kids (a couple of wiseguys-- 21 and 15 year old) started calling me Oprah (no offense Oprah). I wasn't sure if I had done the right thing because everytime I looked in the mirror I looked so scary. But you endure the healing and everything goes back to normal, and now three weeks later it looks so beautiful. Really excited for you--I swear they will have to rename this the "hottie" forum!
  17. Good girl! Very good girl!! Did anyone at the party ask you why you weren't eating?
  18. YAY for you, Nicole!! I honestly have not heard one negative thing about Dr Quiroz or Cosmed--on this forum or others. Could I ask you where they get the fat from to inject in your bum? (sorry that rhymed--haha)
  19. You are doing freakin' awesome!! WOW! What an inspiration!
  20. Aw, bummer on the Fill Centers USA being so far away. The first one I went to was similar in that it was an 8 or 9 hour round trip in the car by myself (ugh). Hope the local doctor is open to working with you and doesn't give you a hard time. Do you have Dr. Ortiz's book (Lap-band for Life)? Maybe you could schedule an appointment with the local doctor and have a copy of the book in hand and show him that the author was your lapband surgeon. I know they are sold out a lot on OCC's website, but Amazon.com seems to always have copies for sale. Keeping our fingers crossed for you!
  21. Hi Susan! First of all, sorry sorry sorry for all the issues with your band. Looking at your ticker, you have had great weight loss in spite all of the shenanigans (sp?) your band has been pulling. Does your doctor think getting a fill will cause the slipping? I have read on this forum that Dr Ortiz and Dr Martinez really "sew" the band in there so the chance of slipping is minimal. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Coincidentally, I had an episode the other night where apparently I chugged down a glass of Crystal Light too fast, went to bed, and woke up choking like I was drowning. (Note to self: Don't chug liquids, especially before bedtime!) Hopefully someone from this forum will have some good advice for you. There are a couple of other forums out there that may also have some info for you to help you get thru this. We're all with you.
  22. Hey Coreyliz! First of all, yippee and wahoo for you that you have your date set. You said you are getting the lapband in Mexico, but are you going to OCC? If you are you will be in the best of hands (really partial here-haha). I didn't have the experience of searching out a local doctor for aftercare, but his/her reaction wouldn't hinder me from calling. Especially knowing that Dr Ortiz is the best in this business and trains numerous US doctors, it is good information to be armed with. On the other hand, I have used two Fill Centers USA locations, and both have been wonderful. You could research and see if there is one near you. They seem to be opening new centers all over on a regular basis. For the post-op, the best advice would be to stay in touch with this forum. People have posted on practically everything you could possibly experience with the lapband--pre-op, post-op, and beyond. And everyone here is ready and willing to help you be a success with this. All the best to you in this journey!
  23. Congratulations ksk! So glad all went well. No one could have described how good that first popsickle was going to taste post-op! As everyone else said, take it easy and walk as much as you can. One thing I would have avoided if I could do it all over again would be the mocha latte that I had from Starbuck's. I think that created great gas problems for me on the plane ride back home. You're going to do great!!
  24. Hey guys! I just got the Bodybugg from the 24-hour Fitness website, and I LOVE IT! For anyone out there that doesn't like keeping a handwritten food diary, I think this is great. For me, I am better about my food because if I know I have to remember to type in every morsel, it is easier for me to just stay on my plan. And the fitness monitor is also great. I can even see the spikes in activity at the times when I take the stairs in the parking garage at work! I thnk this is a really cool tool and totally worth it. Plus the price that you are offering is at least $100 off what is stated on the website! What a deal!! Just puttin' in my 2 cents.
  25. Hey Trudy! We're all excited for you! There doesn't seem to be anything negative out there regarding Cosmed, so you are sure to be in very capable hands. As Arianna stated, we'll all be looking forward to your before and after photos. Congratulations to you!!
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