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Everything posted by Kittycat

  1. Cover the scars before you tan...otherwise they will darken instead of lighten.
  2. Hi Navygirl...once you have been on 7 days of clear liquids...on day 8 you can have creamy soup...hope all is going well. If you are hungry have some broth, a popcicle, liquid yogurt whenever you need it, no counting calories while you are healing during the 21 day post-op period. Good Luck!
  3. Hi Carrie, glad to hear you made there safely..good luck with everything and be sure to let us know how you are doing!!!
  4. You are looking amazing and should be very proud of your accomplishments in less than 8 months, great job girl!!!
  5. I am in awe of all of the support I have received, I honestly could not do this alone and all of you give me a little peice of what I need to go forward with this journey. We are on this road to healthy and thin together, although there are people ahead of us and behind us on the road, we all walk the same road and are heading to the same destination. I truly consider you all great friends and have true affection for each and every one of you!!! Thanks again!!!
  6. That's fabulous!! Take pics each month to monitor you progress and you will be in that dress in no-time!!! Good Luck!!!
  7. I have to agree with Julie and Michelle, getting a pet, dog or cat is a committment and you have to do whatever you can do to make the situation work for both you and your family and your pet. Call a local dog trainer or obedience school and get some help...you will be so happy you did and will have a loving dog for life!!
  8. Hi Stormy, I grew up with a Purebred Golden Retriever and he was high strung. I know it's hard to manage a large dog, especially when they are difficult to control...I would suggest you take him/her to a dog trainer and see if they might be able to help with some obedience training..especially before you consider giving him/her up. Good luck!!
  9. Just two more days to go!! Whoo hoo!!! I suggest you start with easy foods, mashed potatoes, fish, chili, maybe a fajita or quesadita...small bites, chew well and you will find out soon enough if you have post op restriction. Take it easy, don't go nuts with chicken or beef. Enjoy!!
  10. Congrats on your surgery day!! The time will fly by and before you know it, the day will be here!!
  11. So what did you crave? What did you have?
  12. Hi there, I had to have my primary physician complete some paperwork before my lapband surgery and he was very supportive...mind you..I was not being banded in Mexico. Some physician, for some odd reason, are not receptive to have surgery out of country. Don't be surprised if he is negative about that. It's happened to others. You have made a great decision and no matter what anyone says, you are getting tremendous care at the OCC...and it's only ignorance from others who say otherwise. Good Luck!!
  13. Thank you so much Evette, you are just the sweetest thing ever!!! I am much happier and started really getting into the exercise groove last night and can't wait to reach that goal!!!
  14. Hi Ramona, I just took a quick peek and was totally impressed, you have done an amazing job, it looks very professional and you offer great products...I wish you much success!!! All the best!!
  15. Glad to hear that you back on the horse and ready to ride again...good luck to you!!!
  16. Think positive, take B12, Echinachia and Vit C and D and you can fight this off, wash you hands like a freak and hopefully you can avoid whatever is going around. Best of luck!!!
  17. They are so adorable...I would love to have another kitty, but hubby is allergic and can only handle one.
  18. Thanks for posting this Cara, it's so true. 50% of being successful with anything you try to do is state of mind...if you are driven to succeed and you desire something so bad, you can taste it...you can do it!!! Frustration is normal and it will happen, but if you let it consume you, you won't succeed...get past it and move on and set another goal.
  19. Hi Dianna, You need more food, plain and simple, you are not getting enough and your body will not let the pounds go until you do. Breakfast-Endure or Slimfast shake/Coffee and water after one hour Lunch-left over meat, veggies Snack-bran bar, unsweetened pudding, apple slices...try to avoid refined sugars in your snickers...although they are only 35 calories..it's pure sugar which converts directly to fat. Dinner-protein, veggies, rice or potato Snack-fruit, nuts, cheese Try this and see what happens..you are doing great with your exercise and water, but baby you need to eat more!!! Good Luck!!!
  20. That's really interesting...when I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed in 1985...they were surgically removed, roots and all???? My current xrays taken in the past 3 months, show no evidence of wisdom teeth roots. Interesting study though. Kinda makes you wanna go hmmmmm.
  21. I'll say it once and say it again...YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!! > > > > >
  22. Thanks for posting this Lisa, very thoughtful. Yes I am sure we have all been touched by someone who has served our country. Both of my Grandfathers fought in WWII, my Father was Canadian Air Force and my brother and brother-in-law are currently members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Let us remember those who lived and died for our freedoms.
  23. Wow...you guys are making me blush...thanks so much for your ongoing support!!! Luv ya!!
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