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Everything posted by bigali

  1. Hi Barb, I think you are doing great. 29 pounds is a lot of weight and you should be proud of yourself. Maybe you should call the OCC and talk to someone about what you are experiencing. Keep up the hard work. It is paying off. Alexandra
  2. You look really good. Keep up the hard work it sure is paying off. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! =D> I know how that 40lb lose feels.... SO GREAT! Keep up the hard work. I totally agree with you when you said that you feel like yourself again, not like a fat person. That is what I'm experincing and it feels great. > Alexandra
  4. Don't stop working out. That is the best thing for your health and body. What I recommend (and it's only my opinion) is to lower your calorie intake. My sister and I work out like crazy and when ever we finds that we are not losing weight, we lowers our calories, or we plays around with our food to fool our bodies. I got banded not so long again and I do not eat 1200 calories a day I consume around 900 to 1000 and I'm losing constintly about a 2 to 3 pounds a week and when I find that I don't lose weight I intake more water. Hope this helps a little. Alexandra
  5. That is great. Congratulations on all your hard work!! You look wonderful in your pictures.
  6. Good luck, Jim. I hope for fill is as good to you as it is for me. Have a safe trip.
  7. My goal first goal for when I reached my 2 month anniversity with the band was to lose 40 lbs. and this morning I acheived that goal with two days short. I am beside myself. I LOVE MY BAND!!! I can not remember the last time I weighed 225. I have 25 lbs more to be under the 200 and I'm going to try to achieve this by my birthday Oct. 1st. I just wanted to share my excitment. To all the new bandsters or the ones who are considering it... THE BAND DOES WORK AS LONG AS YOU WORK WITH IT.
  8. One of the main reasons that I deceided on the band was because I do want to have another baby. I have to small boys and my husband and I really want another one, but at the weight I was at it would be to much for my body. I also thought I would get the band after my last baby but I could take being fat anymore, I felt really unhealthy and I could bear the thought of getting pregnate. I did a lot of research about it and you should wait at least 1 1/2 to 2 years to try and it the obgyn thinks that you are not getting enough nutrition your last trimester then they would recommond an unfill. The baby only need the most nutriation at the end to grow. THat satisfied my and that is why I choose to get the band now instead of later.
  9. I LOVE MY BAND!!! I work really hard with the band so that I can have success with it. I watch very closely what I eat and I exercise every single day. I do not eat fast food or food in high fat or calories. I did not get fat overnight and I know that I will not get skinny overnight either. Patience...Patience is the key. As long as you are watching what you eat and exercise the band will do the rest( that is what I have come to realize for me). Stay strong and at the end you will see it was all worth it.
  10. I also found a good dentist dentist in Mexico. Actually my husband found it because he needed a lot of work done and while I was getting the lapband he had his teeth fixed. I just come from Mexico and I too had some work done. It is very very close to the OCC about 3 or 4 builing down. They do not do teeth whiting but they do all other procedures. I had 3 crowns, one cavity and a moler extraction and a deep cleaning and they took out all of the grey filling and put white filling for 1080.00. You can see all of their pricing on line and they pay for your taxi to them and they will get a you a taxi to take you back to the boarder. If any one is interested the name is REVOLUTION DENTAL CARE. THEIR WEB SITE IS www.revolutiondental.com They show all of their pricing on there.
  11. I also had a hard time with my stomach grulling a lot. I was fine for about the fist 10 days then I was hungry all the time. What I would is eat then I would stay active because if I just focused on when my next meal was I would go insane wanting to eat everything in sight. So by me keeping busy I was able to distingued the difference between head hunger and real hunger. Hope that helps.
  12. You are dealing with a lot of stuff in your life and if you are anything like me, I turn to food to comfort me. You need to start thinking about your self now and re-focus on what is important....YOU!!! You can do! You did it once You can defently do it again.
  13. I second that! One thing I hated the most was taking my son to an amusement park and I couldn't get on the rides. I can't wait until I can do this. Another thing is take him to the park and be able to play with him and keep up. That's my goals.
  14. [You should be very proud of yourself. You look great!!!
  15. That is awesome. I went through my closet yesterday because my size 20 pants were falling off. I got into my jeans that I have not worn in over 5 years. That felt great so I can relate to what you are saying. Congratulations
  16. I know how you feel losing 30 pounds. I thought I would never lose 30 pounds and then when it happens it's hard to believe. You are doing great. Keep up the hard work. You are worth it!!!!
  17. What a difference 3 months of hard work does. Keep up the hard work that you are looking great.
  18. You look amazing. Keep up the good work.
  19. Just wanted to let you now that you and your family are in my prayers. Nice to see you posting again.
  20. I have hear of this vest that carries weights on it and you are suppost to put it on when you exerise so that your body thinks that you are still fat and it will not hit a platue. I see a lot of people with them were I go walk. I also so them on the Oprah show. I'm going to get one when I loose more. I need to find out were they sell them.
  21. I did do the creamy capbell's soups. I was told that if I could drink it, I can have it. The pieces in there are not chunky so they are very easy to swallow. Good luck to you. I know how hard it is.
  22. You look awesome. Keep up the good work.
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