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Everything posted by banded4life

  1. Every time you find yourself eating something you shouldn't tell yourself to put it down and remind yourself that you need to be successful for yourself, your son, and the children you want to have in the future!
  2. Hey! I am a horrible speller and typer! Is there a way to spell check my posts? I use Fire Fox. It normally checks spelling for me, but for some reason it does not work on this forum. Please help!
  3. I am trying to give up refined sugars. Occasionally I will have a Weight Watchers ice cream or something made with Splenda. Since my fill, I can't eat much and feel like I need to make every bite count.
  4. Hey y'all...it must be a southern thing...I talk about it to anyone who will listen!!!
  5. We only use Splenda. At first I did not like it, but like everything else, I just stuck with it. Now I love it!
  6. According to what they told me, you can have a sip of water to take meds if needed, but other than that nothing for eight hours!
  7. I have been totally suprised with the whole experience. The pain was no where near what I had expected. Also, I was so worried about changing my eating habits, but it too as not been as hard as I imagined. You can do this, and you will feel so much better about yourself!!!
  8. Best Wishes! See you on the other side!!!
  9. Hey! Don't give up...go get a fill! I had mine on July 12 and have lost about 7 pounds since then according to the Fill Center scale. It will make the biggest difference! You can do this!!!
  10. Hey y'all! I want to start taking Biotin. For those of you that already take it, how much do you take? Thanks!
  11. I have PCOS as well. I would think that losing the weight will help. I know that Dr. Oztiz said that there are lots of band babies!
  12. I used to drink 10+ cans of diet coke a day. Since being banded, I have not had any. It is amazing how much better I feel. I don't know it is because of the caffine or aspartame, but I no longer have headaches all the time. Also, my joints used to hurt all the time. They barely hurt at all anymore!
  13. Dr. Ortiz is the way to go. For half the price, you get better quality care, a much cleaner and nicer facility, hotel, and the best doctor in the field! Check it out!!!
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