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Everything posted by doinitagann

  1. Sounds fun!!! No worries going under the knife. it is over before you know it. I got a call the night before I left for TJ that I would go into surgery the day I arrived instead of the next day like I was scheduled. So it was REALLY over before I knew it.
  2. I fly in at 9:55 am. Will you be staying the night? I plan to fly out at 4 pm after the fill. I am a little nervous about that one
  3. I am having my second fill on the 11th at 11:00. We will probably be in the same shuttle to the OCC. I will be flying in from Denver. How bout you?
  4. I was about your weight when I flew in for my surgery. All went well, even with a hottie sitting next to me and my thighs spilling slightly into his space. Uggh. It was a long flight
  5. karen, you actually give me hope with this post. I thought I might have been the only one that still has a problem sticking to the rules. But you are so close to goal and you don't let it stop you. I know the pig outs are bad and cookie dough and sonic is not 'okayed' but I was beginning to feel like I even failed the band. thanks, and let us all know how the consult goes.
  6. Ciabatta bread is the DEVIL!!!!!!! But I actually had my one and only PB on salad. Never had a problem with it before or since, but that one time, I did. The band is FICKLE.
  7. UUUGGHHHHH. I have been thoroughly SPANKED!!!! I need to go back to lap band 101. Since the holidays, I have definitly let the rules go, and guess what? I gained. I just figured I needed a fill. Suppose I better get back to the basics.
  8. COOL!!!! Thanks so much. Sitting up could do me world of wonders.
  9. Another question on fill in TJ. When they do the fill I know you are laying down at the time they put the needle into you but when they turn the X-ray machine onto your tummy are you standing up or sitting up on a bed. The reason I ask is the last fill I had was not at the OCC. It was under flouro but I had to stand up for the X-ray. I am very queasy as is. So they had to interupt the fill 4 times for me to lay down and get my blood back to my brain. I think I would do so much better if I was sitting rather than standing.
  10. Great inspirational story!!!! In the past, marathons have always been for "those people" never for an obese person llike me. In the last few months I have started to get the itch to do something that I have never imagined I could because of the weight. I would like to do something only "those people" do. Heck, what a great story!!!! I truly think you got me going on an idea here. Thanks for being one of "those people". =D>
  11. A friend of mine who is not on this forum will be going down there on the 13th for her 2nd fill. We were banded together on Sept 2. She is a wonderful woman and so super friendly. You will know her if you meet her. No worries on being alone that day.
  12. My best friend is from Canada and she has the same ideas of Americans as some of you. We are all the same. We are selfish and only care about the material things. She thinks I am the only exception. I am not. I REALLY hate politics so I will not get into them BUT, please be careful of the way you group "Americans" together. THe media has misrepresented most of us and it very bothersome, and a bit insulting. Thanks
  13. The economy is so fickle. If anything it puts things into perspective-- What is important in life, what to hold on to and what to let go. I had to let go of vacation plans and a home purchase. I am holding on to staying home with my kids instead of going out and letting society entertain them. Instead of taking them to a movie, we sit at home and play chinese checkers or UNO. They seem to love that even more than going out. Not only am I saving money but I am saving and cherishing memories. My husband(seperated) and I own our own business and have found that we definately have a crunch. We relied heavily on credit for continued growth. Since we can no longer work on growing our business we have worked on what we already have to make it better. So when the crises is over we will begin to grow again and this time we will have a stronger, better foundation to work from. During this thanksgiving season we need to sit down and be thankful for what we do have. No, not the big juicy turkey with all the fixins, but the people around us that the economy cannot lay off from our lives. Sometimes it takes us being uncomfortable to sit down and realize that life is so much more. Cling to those you love, control what you can and understand that there are things that just are not able to be controlled. time will tell, until then live life and be happy that there are things in your life that are beautiful. Things that money can never buy.
  14. By the way Jann, where did you get your "smoke free" counter, I need one of those. I am on day 3!!!!!!!
  15. What a wonderful attitude to have. great job and good for you for not planning around the holidays. I agree, this is going to be my first holiday season to actually lose weight rather than gain. Food has been the center of get togethers for far too long. I plan to enjoy the company of others and remember that it is not about the spread that lies before me. Best wishes to you as you continue on this journey.
  16. Oh dear, that is too interesting. I was never a candy bar lover but that sure did put some perspective on the whole deal. Something to keep in mind.
  17. I am so happy for you!!!!! Truly. We started on this forum together and I felt so bad when you had to cancel your first surgery. I am so relieved to hear that you did not let it go. Now HERE YOU ARE!!!!! today is a new beginning for you. A healthy happy beginning. But remember you will have your hard times. When you do, go back to the moment when you decided that enough was enough. It will all be worth it!!!!!
  18. So, yesterday I decided to quit smoking. It was in my devotions the other night that God calls us to do "now". Not when we are ready, not when we think we can, but now. So I have been feeling convicted to stop smoking for a while now and I was going to wait until after my first fill to do it so that I would not overeat. But it is now, now and not later. Make any sense? I am desperately trying not to think about a cigarette and have the patch on but OH MY. Why did I do this to my body? Why did I allow myself to become a slave to everything wrong. Food, my husband and cigarettes? I understand that I was trying to cope with emotions that I have had for a long time but seriously. I could use a word of encouragement. I understand the wonderful things that are benefited from not smoking. ie the smell, the money, the health, the good example that I set for my kids. I also want to be obedient to the Lord. I know there are a few out there that have nipped this nasty habit in the butt and would love to hear from them. This is a time of life changes for me. I plan to be a better person in general. Thanks to the God and the band, I am able to find a new self worth. I have a beautiful life ahead of me that only the Almighty knows about. I can say that, but I really don't feel it right now.
  19. How very exciting for you. Try not to overdo it too much. Walk and get in your liquids but remember you had a major surgery. It can catch up to you if you don't understand your own limits. Welcome to the other side. You will not regret it. (except maybe for the next 3 weeks of liquids
  20. I will never take a burp for granted again. How frustrating it was to feel it start to come up then...nothing. Now, almost 3 months later, I let the RIP as loud and freely as possible.
  21. Good for you!!! I have nothing but fond memories of the Lucerna and the clinic staff. (I did have a black widow on my balcony though, she wasn't welcome or appreciated) I hope the very best during this time for you. Sounds like you have things under control with so much weight lost before the surgery. It is going to be a rough road but I promise it will be worth it if you let it. THis next tidbit is for all of us who will be going or returning to the OCC Anyway I absolutely love Fransisco he is a great man. talked with him the whole way there and back. I just would like to make a recommendation for all of us using his wonderful services. He does accept and appreciates tips. He works close to everyday at any time of day delivering us to our desired locations. It is so hard to think about tipping when such a major life experience is occuring but this is his everyday and he does have a family. Just a suggestion.
  22. Thanks Julie, I love these verses, it is great to be reminded of them. I have copied them down and plan to memorize them so they can be my anthem. I read your other post where you said you lost 5 pounds in 10 days. I am right there with you again. I can't even think of food and have dropped a few extra "unplanned" pounds myself. I forced myself last night at 10pm to take my first bite of food for the day, (cottage cheese). It was in one of the Psalms where David also said his heartache was so great, he forgot to eat. If it happened to him, I guess we can both get through this difficult time in our lives. "this too shall pass"
  23. First of all, THANK YOU to all that replied and prayed, it means so much. Well, let me give you a little update on the appt. The counselor believes our sort of relationship has about a 5% chance of surviving. He says this because only one of us will actually make any action toward healing. I have found out my husbands drinking and gambling has gotten much worse since I left. Add these things to the fact that the counselor is fearful of his video game playing as well. I did not think that was as destructive but the counselor does. We have some homework to do before we go back next week, lets hope and pray that he will actually do it and move forward. I am a little stronger now that we went to counseling, the counselor made me feel like it is okay to feel like I am feeling. Whatever happens I can be strong and know that I did everything I possible could to fix this marriage. as far as eating, this is the best diet in the world, I can't even think of food. :lb12:
  24. hey all, I am in a really bad position right now. Husband and I have been seperated for a month now and out pastor has asked us to go back to counseling. There has been no progress in last month, in fact things have gotten so much worse. I am asking for prayers for wisdom, discernment and for an open heart to whatever needs to be done. Whether it is divorce or it is to work on things. I am an emotional wreck. Talk about Satin's work. He has his claws deep into my husband. Not to mention a very hardened heart. Prayers for him, that he will come back to know and walk with the Lord. For those of you who do not pray, I understand but I KNOW that I would have never made it this far without my relationship with God, He strengthens me.
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