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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Hey it doesnt matter what it is!! as long as it gives you that feeling of accomplishment.. it's hard work!!
  2. that's awesome, you should visit the Cabazon outlet too!!
  3. I'm almost half way to my goal weight. I was looking around at some shoe/clothing sites online, since I've developed a hatred to physically going to the stores and trying things on since I put on my weight. Any whooo... I'm putting aside a little money for when I meet my goal weight, I'm going to reward myself with a little shopping because obviously I'm going to need new clothes, But I ran across some beautiful pumps online that I feel in love with instantaneously. Normally I wouldn't have an issue with buying shoes since my feet are still the same size. Regardless, I wouldn't be able to wear them... I noticed, like 60 lbs ago, I couldn't wear my high heels for too long anymore. My weight dragged me down. So that's what I'm going to get for myself when I meet my goal weight. Besides being able to get into my cute clothes and out of the jean and t-shirts... I'm looking forward to my high heel pumps. I know being healthy is a reward in itself, but what are you going to reward yourself with when you meet your goal weight?
  4. EricaG


    well i had pudding... i know it's suppose to be stuff i can drink, but i needed variety. I would stick the spoon into the pudding and what ever it picked up, i would put in my mouth. I think i also had jello, i would liquify it in my mouth before i swallowed it.
  5. EricaG

    Food Coma

    Is it weird that it just dawned on me that I will NEVER again know what it's like to stuff my face to the point of no return? I grew up with 3 big brothers and a carnivore dad, and a mother that cooked to please our terrible eating habits. I don't blame my mother for our bad food choices because she always made sure we had our greens and veggies and never took us to fastfood places. I think we influenced her.. All the buffets we took her to, the easy $1 buck burger. I think now with me being banded she's re-learning that we all need to eat better. She's a very traditional Mexican cook. But I've introduced her to edemame, okra, ortichoke... Well a bunch of yummy foods you wouldn't really find in a Mexican pantry or freezer/fridge.. And I hope that now with my new found love for healthy foods I can inspire my family to follow in my foot steps. I'm not saying I don't slip up and have a bite of something greasy, but just the fact that I know I will never feel the overstuffed feeling from all the greasy food is the best gift I could've ever gave myself. Now if only I can stop myself from ordering regular meals and letting other eat the rest :/
  6. Flaxseed Nutritional Value Whole flax seed (ground meal, powder or intact seed) contains 28% dietary fiber, (7 – 10% soluble fiber, 11 - 18% insoluble fiber), 40% fat (73% of it being polyunsaturated fatty acids), and 21% protein. Other flax seed nutrients include vitamins E and B, sterols, and mineral nutrients such as calcium, iron, and potassium. More than 50% of the fat in flax seed is an essential fatty acid called omega-3 fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid, ALA ), which makes flax seed the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acid. Flax seed is rich in antioxidants, such as lignans (also a phytosterogen) and other phenolic molecules. Unlike the ground meal and powder, flax seed oil contains no dietary fiber. Benefits of Flaxseed in Human Health The above list of nutrients renders flax seed to have beneficial effects on human health. The high dietary fiber in flax seed, due to its high water-holding capacity and low digestibility, increases the bulkiness and gastric emptying of stool. This in effect helps relieve constipation and other irritable bowel syndrome. Lignans, which are antioxidants, are also associated with lower serum cholesterol and may help reduce oxidative damage to cells and cellular molecules from free radicals. Flax seed may also lower blood glucose and improve insulin tolerance (diabetes). Whole flaxseed (powder and ground meal) may also reduce serum total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Flaxseed can also reduce some markers of inflammation, and raise serum levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, ALA.
  7. YES, right after you are banded, you go home and it's empty. during your liquid phase it's hard to tell since you're on liquids and you don't really have to worry too much about the hunger. after the liquid phase it's pretty much up to you to practice good chewing and drinking 45mins after you eat.. but if you're lucky you might feel some restriction. I personally didn't feel any until my first fill... i felt it for about a week and then it went away. now i'm at my 5th and I finally feel the restriction. but to honestly, everyone is different. I believe one of the bansters here lost all her weigh or almost all her weight with NO FILLS.
  8. HAHA exactly what Dolittle said... I especially agree on this part. "Then its surgery time, then you'll wake up and wonder if you even had surgery"
  9. that's great! I've been banded for 10 months or so and I am just starting to lose about 1 lb every two-three days. don't feel discouraged. I'm glad you got checked out before you did any damage to your band. Well I hope you stay motivated and wish you lots of luck in your journey.. I know it's hard even when banded. <3
  10. I've never used "steel cut oats" before. I usually just use regular quaker oats for my smoothie. I have used Coach's Oats before and they are a little more crunchy. Those also worked fine in the blender and didn't conflict with my smoothie. I also have never tried using cooked oats in my smoothie. how does that taste?
  11. great job girl!! I still have about 8lbs to my half way goal.. I just don't remember Dr. Miranda's goal for me... I think she asked me what do I want to weigh, I said "130" and she said "that's your goal". GREAT JOB! it's taking me a while longer but as long as I get there I'm fine!!
  12. oh thanx! i'll check this out.
  13. oh man, sounds bad, call the OCC they're the ones that can tell you what is wrong. Feel better soon
  14. yuuuuuuum.. i do gummies too they're just way more fun
  15. i just realized that 175 would be my half way point!! i need to hurry up and get there, that was really an eye opener. next summer we're going shopping!

  16. thanx babe. i kinda cheated a little but i chewed 50 times before i swallowed and it was only a few bites. im already starting to feel better tho. the pain went away.

  17. it feels really weird. like right after I eat it hurts really bad in the band area, and kinda like it hurts when you take deep breaths. It also really hurt to eat, but it stayed down, it just hurt. I had a gaging episode.. :/ due to too much drinking.. and well i told Dr. So the truth and he told me it was irritated. If i had trouble drinking liquids, then i had to go to the OCC for an unfill..

  18. I've had mine over a year. and i used it alot for my soups in my liquid phase. I have my shake in the morning too... i use flax seed in mine. I love my bullet.
  19. EricaG

    Pure Devastation!

    keep trying doll...look for other options. i was where you are now at one point and i kept trying. find a different co-signer just don't stop trying if you really want this. it all seemed like a dream to me, now i can't believe i have my little incision to keep reminding me why i should keep trying hard everyday. I just paid off the band yesterday and am really happy about it. the money came... 9 months late but i got it and I'm happy. I may not make sense since im just rambling...but if you really want it, keep trying. don't give in to defeat.
  20. yeah that's fine. now just watch what you eat and make smart choices. i lost like 7 lbs in my liquid phase.
  21. i havent had a problem with pills. I take the gel caps (ibuprophen) when i have headaches and they work fine. i also try to use the liquids if i can find in whatever i need to take, but never been stuck on a pill
  22. I irritated my band.. day 2 of liquids.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shmee


      also I am curious what types of things, or what thing in your case caused it. I hadn't heard of this before. Hope it gets better soon.

    3. AshleyMarie


      I irritated mine with coughing too much and too hard. I think you can also irritate by vomiting.

    4. EricaG


      I had a gagging episode. I had to throw up one night... but it never came up.

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