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Everything posted by Bella1980

  1. OK I am going to stress Don't worry about food at this point get hydration down. Try different temperatures. For the first 8 months I loved hot/warm things. COULDN'T stand cold as soon as cold liquid touched my tummy it was like it was constricting. MY sister was opposite so try that first. Also try to start out with thin liquids. Chicken broth, Veggie broth, vitamin water, G2, once you have that down thicker. Also watch the sip size. If you need to drink out of a tiny straw like a stir stick size. I loved G2 and drank at least 2 20 oz bottles a day for the longest time. Also water. Hope all this helps. I drank with a spoon for a while to start with until I got use to not gulping anymore. (I am over a year out and can gulp again when needed)
  2. about your Dr's follow up care. I didn't go to a Bariatric dr when I came home. There was NO need at all. I just did my follow up and blood work with my primary care Dr. She billed my insurance as I was having a physical at the same time and needed the blood work
  3. I don't know about the car but just wanted to say good luck with your revision. I love my sleeve!
  4. I didn't have to stay longer I had surgery Monday morning and They remove the drain tube the morning you fly home for me that was Thursday.
  5. for me it was like ripping a band aid off. I didn't know what I was feeling was my drain. I was a little uncomfortable but I thought it was just from surgery and gas pains...etc all that went with surgery. They removed the drain on exhale you just take a few deep breaths in and out...while they remove it. I didn't feel a thing at all I asked so they showed it to me. (that is just me) And at that point in time the nurse knew I wasn't going to pass out but everything else I watched and was fine. For me it felt SOOOO GOOD once it came out. Sorta like after you remove the band aid feeling. They use a JP drain. You can google it if you would like to learn more about it. I wish I had a safety pin to help attach the drain bulb thing to my clothes. When I went it was cold so I just wore my sweatshirt and put it in my pocket. (everyone I was with laughed at me and then said they wish they thought of that)
  6. You can do it and you will. When I felt the need to chew I would eat a Popsicle. chew chew chew
  7. I went with a friend but there was a gal in my group that went by herself from Canada and didn't tell anyone. NO on even knew she was in Mexico.
  8. the tenderness and the bruising is very normal from meds being pushed into your iv. It is a totally different than giving blood. It is is sore you can ice it or put a warm damp cloth on the area and it will help. If you give blood too much you can scar your veins making it harder when your veins need to be accessed for IV's or when you need to get blood drawn.
  9. That is great news. under 200lbs was a great milestone for me too
  10. Keep up the good work. I read a lot as it seemed to take my mind off everything when I wanted to eat. I guess that was my little escape.
  11. I can not do chicken much anymore. I do ground meats better. Chicken is hard for me for some reason. I can do dark meat better, also turkey I can do fine.
  12. just take it one day at a time is all I can tell you. It gets easier after day three. Also I had to be good and I rewarded myself with a SF Popsicle at night.
  13. too much fiber can also make you constipated if you don't drink enough.. what has always worked best for me out side of the NEED for MOM (milk of magnesia) is straight up apple juice...
  14. I could only consume 1/4 cup at most so I was blending and watering down potato bacon soup... I know it was higher in calories but it really helped me with energy, and headaches I was having post op.
  15. I enjoyed the Marriott it was nice, clean, just make sure you get your free bottles of water every day they try to skimp on them. Their broth is yummy, and the Popsicle's they make are wonderful.
  16. I am not sure but I am thinking that plication is very close to sleeve as it is talk about a lot as Sleeve plication. Also I know the information OCC gave me talked about what I to consume post op. If you have any questions call OCC and talk to the nutritionist. http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/our-program/our-follow-up-program/gastric-sleeve-post-op/
  17. I didn't go a lone but there was a woman that was banded by Ortiz 4 years ago had it removed in the US due to port infection and then got her sleeve done on the same day as me. She had to stay a day longer due to being a revision patient but was doing great. She hung out with the group of us that had it done the same day we all tried to get together for walks, broth, and just talk. There was another gal in our group that was not a band to sleeve just sleeve and she came alone and didn't even tell anyone she was going to mexico for surgery. She was scared at first but spent a lot of her time alone in her room resting post op.
  18. I would call the OCC ASAP or got to the ER you could have done damage to your placated stomach and created a leak or tear. Also I have heard of people getting food stuck in the placated portion of the stomach causing the stomach tissue to die If you have created too much swelling by eating solids too soon. I don't want to scare you but there is a reason for the post op diet for your stomach to heal.
  19. Of course you can't find anything comparable they give you a list of what is in their's so you can't. I take Celebrate chew-able Everything I take Grape Iron Grape Chewable multivitamin Also I buy Calcet Creamy Bites YUMMY I don't know what is one the required list anymore as I am almost a year out. But these are great for me. http://www.celebratevitamins.com/supplement_facts/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=106 I also take Liquid B12 complex I buy it from Puritans pride on line and buy it when it is buy 2 get 3 free. http://www.puritan.com/recommendations-5001/product-002871
  20. Ok brutal honestly don't really need to stock up on anything. I guess I would say chicken broth but don't stock up as you can only have a little here and there. I bought too much stuff and still have some almost a year later. They will give you the diet before surgery. I would say if he wants to have somethings for you this would be my short list. Gatorade, broth, Popsicle, drinkable yogurt, creamy soup you like (NO chunks)
  21. I don't know if I read what you posted correctly and understand it. You did have a CT and you think that because you got your band some place else they didn't check it out? Where did you have the CT done. If it was in a hospital they should check everything out and make sure you are all well.
  22. You can do what ever you want to do. I would go with what I want to buy money wise and also what I can get at ease.
  23. I just bought what I wanted to buy that had great tasting reviews.
  24. NO mine is seriously really low as in the single didgets. I know why mine is low I stay in side too much I live in the NW Also I put on sun block 30 mins before I leave the house as I don't want to age and have very fair skin.
  25. I have taken only taken Celebrate supplements (multi, iron, and calcium chews) and ordered Puritan's Pride B complex liquid) I just had my labs done late as My Dr is popular 10 months after surgery and all my labs came back great except my D levels and so I am on a crazy dose of D. 5,000IU for 2 months then a recheck.
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