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I got sick today.....

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Ok - well it has been a really rough week. To make a long story short my Papa was killed Friday in a tragic accident and because of the nature of his death they had to do an autopsy so they did not release his body until Monday and we were not able to have the funeral until yesterday. So it has been some really long days and a lot of food. So today is my first day home and I woke up with an upset stomach. I started feeling a little better so I ate a small bowl of oatmeal and a couple of hours later drank a Dannon Light & Fit Smoothie. I just love those things. Well about 30-45 minutes after the smoothie I started feeling really nauseated. So I went to the bathroom (again! - trying to not get too graphic) and dry-heaved a couple of times but did not throw up. I broke out in a cold sweat :heat: and just really thought I would pass out. So I laid down and 30 minutes later I was in the bathroom throwing up. :bad: I threw up about 5 or 6 times. I immediately felt better and although my stomach is still a little queasy I still feel better than what I did before I threw up. So I tell you all this to ask.....I know a lot of people have slippages from vomiting....but how do you know if it has slipped? I have only had a small G2 since then - I figured I would keep it to clear liquids until I feel completely better.

My mom, also a nurse, said that I may have gotten sick from all the food we had this week since my body was not used to it. But I know all the food went down with no problems. I also know that my cousin had an upset stomach Monday. I honestly think I just caught a bug. But I am a little concerned about my band. Since I am a nurse I have tried to be extra careful not to contaminate myself with someone else's bug to avoid vomiting and the consequences that may occur with the band. Anyway....any thoughts on the matter will be greatly appreciated. :help:

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So sorry about the accident, I hope that you are feeling a bit better now. I imagine you would know if the band slipped. I guess you should just call Dr. Ortiz and check with them if you should be concerned. It could be the stress from the tragedy also. Hope your feeling better.


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I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It must have been an aweful 2 weeks. Thats a lot to deal with. As far as slipping goes................ I read quite a bit about it. It stated that slipping can come after chronic/long term vomiting. It specifically said that an episode of the stomach flu will not cause slipping. I cant remember where I read it because I have been reading so much about the band but I did look up slipping specifically. I hope this helps.

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from the reading i have done online about slippage it usually occurs if you are PBing a lot- or if you were stiched correctly. i think you are fine but it wouldnt hurt to shoot dr. ortiz an email- it might put your mind at ease.

on another note, i am sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts.

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Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. I do feel better. I even ate a few crackers and all went down fine. I am still achy all over and my stomach is still not just right and for that I will still take it easy tonight which I never get hungry when I am sick. Anyway, thanks again.

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Dear Blazn,

You really have had a tough time. I am so sorry for your loss. It is so rough to lose someone you love.

As far as your band goes, it is great you are starting to feel better - I bet u are right - you must have caught something and now you are just about better. Great!

Helen ><'

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I am so very sorry for your loss, and pray that the peace of God that passes all understanding surrounds you and your family.

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Ok - well it has been a really rough week. To make a long story short my Papa was killed Friday in a tragic accident and because of the nature of his death they had to do an autopsy so they did not release his body until Monday and we were not able to have the funeral until yesterday. So it has been some really long days and a lot of food. So today is my first day home and I woke up with an upset stomach. I started feeling a little better so I ate a small bowl of oatmeal and a couple of hours later drank a Dannon Light & Fit Smoothie. I just love those things. Well about 30-45 minutes after the smoothie I started feeling really nauseated. So I went to the bathroom (again! - trying to not get too graphic) and dry-heaved a couple of times but did not throw up. I broke out in a cold sweat :heat: and just really thought I would pass out. So I laid down and 30 minutes later I was in the bathroom throwing up. :bad: I threw up about 5 or 6 times. I immediately felt better and although my stomach is still a little queasy I still feel better than what I did before I threw up. So I tell you all this to ask.....I know a lot of people have slippages from vomiting....but how do you know if it has slipped? I have only had a small G2 since then - I figured I would keep it to clear liquids until I feel completely better.

My mom, also a nurse, said that I may have gotten sick from all the food we had this week since my body was not used to it. But I know all the food went down with no problems. I also know that my cousin had an upset stomach Monday. I honestly think I just caught a bug. But I am a little concerned about my band. Since I am a nurse I have tried to be extra careful not to contaminate myself with someone else's bug to avoid vomiting and the consequences that may occur with the band. Anyway....any thoughts on the matter will be greatly appreciated. :help:

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Sorry for your loss! As far as the band goes you would know if your band slips, you wouldn't even be able to drink water. But you should stay on a liquid diet for at least 48 hours, because vomiting can cause swelling in your stomach and food will make it worse!

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Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. I do feel better. I even ate a few crackers and all went down fine. I am still achy all over and my stomach is still not just right and for that I will still take it easy tonight which I never get hungry when I am sick. Anyway, thanks again.
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Oh my God, my heart goes out to you, I am so sorry you lost your papa. How awful!! I too, lost my father back in 1996 and it was the most awful thing ever. Not something I will ever get over. It will be a long time before your pain eases, but one day it will lessen. (((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))

If you band slipped, you wouldn't even be able to swallow water, at least that is what Dr. Martinez told me. He also told me to go back on clear liquids for a few days after my vomitting problems until my stomach was no longer inflamed.

Good luck to you and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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I feel much better today. I ate some Tomato Soup for lunch today and a few saltine crackers and everything went down fine. Thanks for all your support.

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

I thought I had band slippage in the early part of my post-op. I was told that if I truly had band slippage, it would be difficult to eat, AND drink. Honestly, you would barely be able to get any liquids down comfortably. Call OCC and press 5 for the post-op care. It doesn't sound like you have it since you've been able to drink G2 lately.

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Misty- Stay strong! I am so sorry, having gone through this myself I can only say I understand and take the time to grieve. You have many friends on this board who will continue to support you. Slipped bands are extremely rare, I want say less than 5%. On that note constant pbing can cause your stoma to swell which is painfull and make it hard to swallow. Drink liquids if this happens again atleast for 24 hours. Your band is stitched in place, so feel safe. Please take of yourself during this time, you are special. Helena ><'

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