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I'm gonna get me some tonight

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Yes, its been a while. As of 6pm tonight, its been 21 days since I chewed any food. That's 30,240 minutes since I had that filet at the Lucerna the night before my surgery. I have been very faithful to the post op diet. Nothing but clear liquids for the first 7 days, then a couple of days with 1 drinkable yogurt a day, and I really would have rather not drank that awful stuff, then 1 can of creamy soup a day for the rest. I did throw in a couple of frozen yogurts in there, but alas, 54 lbs of me are gone since July 1 when I made the call and it's been easier that I thought it would be.

Tonight after 6pm, after the promised 1,814,400 second timeout from that which has made me what I was, I shall attempt to consume a small amount of meat and vegetable protein matter without consuming mass quantities. I just hope I don't find any of the afore mentioned 54 lbs. (24.54 kg. in Canada).

Just wondering what did you have when you could have food again? I have thrown around everything in the culinary arsenal, from steak, to potted meat and I thing just a good old hamburger and maybe some baked potato might do the trick. That will probably change several time between now and 6:01pm though.

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I admit I went a little hog wild my first meal. I had a stromboli with peppers and onions. Man oh man was it awesome!

I had fish and veggies too. I made a list of solid foods that are mushy and stuck with those to ease my way into the solid food prcoess again...it's fun. I actually enjoy my food now bc I eat less of it and actually chew it and savor it. Good work on the 54 pounds. That's amazing!

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Do not get to worked up if you gain a couple of pounds to begin with. Your body has been in starvation mode and will have to adjust to eatting solids again. You will start to lose again when you get your fills. Congrats. I did fish which I use to hate but now enjoy. I would stay away from steak for a while.


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Oh my god, that cracked me up. I thought with my dirty mind too, I was going- yahoo she was gonna get some. Then it was about food. Ok, I am with ya now. I am scarred about the 21 days of liquids, I dont want to feel like I am starving to death. I think the first thing I would want afterwards is a nice chicken breast sandwhich, but I hear chicken doesnt do well. May have to be careful with that one. Anyhow, enjoy every bite!!

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My brain was completely in the gutter too!!! :)

No idea what I would have for my first meal. I'd want it to be something really good, but something that isn't gonna get stuck. I don't need to PB on my first meal!! Argh!!

I'd probably have to go with a cheeseburger too, but maybe no bun. Whatever it is - eat slow and really enjoy it!!! :)

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Too funny! Like Kim, I thought this was going to be a different post! However, like you too I can eat on Friday and have been plotting my meals since but, now, I'm kinda finding myself a little wary of eating. Tell you what, eating has never been as emotional as it is for me right now. I'm running the gamut here! I'm looking forward to an egg for breakfast and maybe some chicken salad on a slice of tomato for lunch but that's all the further I can get. Any veterans out there have suggestions? They would be much appreciated!

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I have to confess, I had my mind in the gutter and was thinking this post was about something totally different! LOL!

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Enjoy that 1st meal!!! I had 2 chicken strips (fried, I know not so good for you) but my god they were good!!! I also had about 3 bites of salad and 4 french fries and I was FULL!

Unfortunately, I am no longer feeling that restriction from surgery, so I have to push away from the table, lol.

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