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Kimmy in MD

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Everything posted by Kimmy in MD

  1. Am I confused or did I see "Coors Lite" in your food logs? Aren't we supposed to avoid -- in other words DON'T DRINK -- beer and soda for at least 6 months? Maybe I am confused about this point?
  2. Am I confused or did I see "Coors Lite" in your food logs? Aren't we supposed to avoid -- in other words DON'T DRINK -- beer and soda for at least 6 months? Maybe I am confused about this point?
  3. Could just have a pinned topic called "Useful Links" and that is where the kind of info Michelle just posted could be contained.
  4. Don't forget there is also a monthly subscription cost with the Bodybugg. It looks like you get the first 3 months free, but after that you will have a monthly fee like a cell phone or cable tv. I would be sold if it could track the calories you eat, simply by measuring what you put into your body, but alas, technology has not advanced THAT far yet. Maybe in another few years!
  5. Oh my....I thought this topic was going to be about something else!!! darn what a disappointment when I started reading!! Oh well, have a good day anway
  6. I have pb'd on water. It mostly happens in the mornings. I typically do not "slime" though. I think pb'ing on water is the worst because there is little or no weight to it and I can feel that stuff coming right back up and off I go a running!
  7. Heidi, Think how sweet it will feel when you start loosing the weight and looking very hot and sexy again and he will probably start coming around your way more often and you just won't have the time for him. LOOKING GREAT IS THE BEST REVENGE! Hang Tuff!!
  8. shrimp crab legs, seasoned and steamed cream of crab soup sugar free jello sugar free popsicles vegetable soup cajun crab dip and mushroom caps (i stuff them with the crab dip and bake)
  9. Awww Kimmy that SUCKS!!!! Sorry! Computer down and now the Wii!!! and Fay to boot!
  10. Kim, I can relate to many of the things you wrote. Especially the "wolfing" down part. I am a fast eater, always have been, but the band forces you to eat slower. I PB alot, but rarely slim. After about 3 months into this, the head hunger and the urge to snack in the evening are returning. Maybe you need to find a way to handle those feelings with food/snacks that are not empty calories. I have found this great snack by Atkins, the Endulge line "Peantu Caramel Cluster Bar" it has peanuts, nougat, 4 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. I find it really satisfies the urge to snack. I also have started keeping a jar of crunchy peanut butter at my desk for when I want something. Peanut butter is loaded with protein and I find the crunchy lets me chew and satisfies that urge more than creamy peanut butter does. Finally, can you get the snacks out of the house? The snacks like graham cracker, crackers, cookies etc...stock in yogurt, sherbert, sugar free jello and sugar free pudding, that smart food popcorn by the bag and fruit. You know keep things available that aren't so harmful or aren't so empty in nutritional value? Just some thoughts.
  11. You know last night it was almost 8:00 PM and I had not yet had dinner and knew that I wouldn't be able to have anything for a while because I had to pick up my son and a few other kids from football at 8:30. I WAS STARVING! I was doing some grocery shopping, ok I know dumb thing to do when starving, and was planning to get some type of fast food but was kind of worried about grease etc... At the last second it came to me, go buy shrimp from the seafood counter and some cocktail sauce and eat that instead of Arby's or McDs. So that is what I did. At the same time I also had him steam and season a few crab legs and man I had a seafood feast in the car while I was waiting. It really saved me!
  12. good question Mom12!! To me it looks like I got a little mark or a bit of scar tissue where I had my first fill, which didn't make sense because it was just 1 poke that didn't even hurt. Not sure why it looks like a keloid! I think what snowbird may have been referring to is that some docs (especially the americans) put the port right under the incision which is unlike where Dr. O and many of the other Mexican surgeons put the port. My fill doc told me this and she said it was especially prevalent in the Colorado surgeons, but this is pure speculation on my part. Won't it be surprising if it is accurate? I am going to look at snowbirds profile right now and see where she had her surgery!
  13. Always such a hard topic but I would say listen to Dr. O, he is the expert. He is holding a mirror up for you and giving you tough love. Embrace it because it is probably the best advice you will get!! It is ironic that when someone on the board says any of that stuff they get ignored, ridiculed and told to be nice, that the board is for support. On a better note though, don't get depressed, just get busy losing the weight. Maybe go for a long walk, get your endorphins pumping in your brain and help get out of that depression. Why don't you take the attitude of "I'll show you and lose 20 lbs before returning for your next fill?" Revenge is always so sweet! Seriously though, cheer up.
  14. Hi Kim, Just adding my 2 cents. The routine you descibed would definetly add tone to your body, but does not sound so much like it burns many calories. To burn calories you need to increase the aerobic part of your workout. Ultimately you do want to do some weight training because you will tone muscles, which will help you to burn more calories round the clock, but if you are looking for calorie burn right now you might need to kick up your walking. This is especially important once you hit the big 40. I would suggest trying interval training. There are some pretty easy ways to introduce the intervals. Increase your walk to a full hour, try to walk at a pace of a 12-14 minute mile and at every five minutes kick it up more for 1-2 minutes i.e. run for 1-2 minutes, jump rope for 1-2 minutes, then go back to the slower walking pace for another 5 minutes and repeat the 1-2 minute intensity. At the end of that workout, if you allow a 5 minute warm-up and a 5 minute cool down you should be able to get in 7 intervals of the slower walking and 6 intervals of the high intensity stuff. The idea of this is to continually shock your body and keep it adjusting. This workout is really easy on a treadmill but can easily be done anywhere. Another trick I have heard about, but never actually tried, is to wear a weight vest when walking. It will distribute about 10-20 lbs. evenly around your torso and as you do your walk, hike, jog whatever your body will be moving a force that it interprets to be your own weight. As we know the heavier you are the more calories you burn all other things being equal. The biggest thing is to just keep plugging along. You are at a plateau, your body is fighting you on this loss and it is also getting to the time of the year when your body starts holding onto energy and calories in preparation for winter (yeah it is getting to be fall, believe it or not). You have done so great! 60 lbs is AMAZING and it will continue, if you persevere and you will. Let us know how it works out. PS Plus I think your next fill, with the new doc is going to make a HUGE difference!
  15. I lost on the post-op diet, not huge amounts but was down about 20 lbs by the time of my first fill. I only lost 2lbs on the pre-op diet.
  16. Sylvia, I count my special k water as part of my water requirement and it has the added benefit of protein and tasting like a snack. Also, if you need a snack, try the sugar free jello, it is considered a liquid, although I hear this may have been reconsidered recently, regardless, shouldn't have to wait too long after eating it to drink something and if very thirsty, Dr. Miranda did say you could suck an ice cube.
  17. Danielle, Try a website like fitday.com to help you keep track of your calories, the type of calories you eat and your physical activity level. This will probably reallyhelp and you may find it motivational. Now here is the big thing....KEEP A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE!! Your post said you think you will fail, well guess what, if that is what you think you probably will. Think that you will succeed! and you probably will. If your mind can believe it, your body can achieve it! Not sure if your spiritual, but turn to prayer for help in this and remember you will have little set backs, but just forgive yourself, don't whine and pity yourself, re-adjust your mindset and keep on going. IT WILL HAPPEN!!! Best of luck. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  18. Hi Dianna, My doctor said to schedule it for 1 month out, while I was in the office having my 1st fill. I did that, but I ended up canceling and postponing my 2nd fill until Sept. 10, which is about 7 weeks after the 1st fill. I just remember reading something by Dr. O that said to go as long as you can until the first fill and in between, so I stretched it. I haven't lost any more lbs in the last 2 weeks, but it feels like the inches are catching up to the weight lost from the fill, which was about 15 lbs. since the first fill. Hope that helps.
  19. I have to admit it. I PB just about every day. They are not violent painful episodes, just a quick PB and they are over. I am getting so good at it I don't even leave my desk. I just lean of the wastebasked and voila.
  20. My fill doc told me a week of liquids and a week of soft solids after my first fill! Talk about DEPRESSING! It was like going back to the post-op diet all over again and I was really not sure I could mentally maintain it for 2 weeks again! BUT, I made it and I tell you I lost about 15 lbs from that first fill and when the weight is flying off like that it makes it much EASIER to follow the rules. If it hadn't flown off, I don't think I would have been motivated to make it through.
  21. my full feeling lasts about 3-4 hours I guess, but I don't ever really get to that starving, stomach rumbling place any more.
  22. I was afraid people would have the same reaction you are experiencing so I told only my 2 closest friends and then I had to tell my sister because I needed her to watch my son. The only reason I even told my friends was in the terrible event something happened to me while I was away. I wanted someone to know where I was just in case. AFTER the surgery, when I was home, that is when I came clean about it. There was no freaking out then because it was too late. I still haven't told anyone at work because I don't want to deal with their reactions. Clearly they have all noticed the weight loss and are impressed and want to know what I am doing so they can replicate. I just tell them what I do, minus that I have this miraculous tool! I would say grow thick skin during the next few weeks and then go off and have the surgery done. It is life changing and you won't regret it.
  23. Ditto Lisa's scenario. I did it over Memorial Day weekend so I had the extra Monday off before returning to work. At work, I just moved a little slower than usual. Was hard to bend over and pick up something from the floor by the weekend though I was feeling pretty good again, just tired and worn out. Don't know how moms of young toddlers/children do it. I think I would have had to take time off from that!
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