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Kimmy in MD

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Everything posted by Kimmy in MD

  1. So, as you lose weight and a new beautiful butterfly is emerging from the cocoon, that used to be your body (or your just getting back to your old self) are you changing? Are people reacting to you differently? For me the answer is a big YES! I always thought that if I would lose weight, it would be good for me in many ways, not just my size. In my face, I feel like I look 10 years younger again. I find there is more bounce in my step. I have so much extra energy and the little aches and pains I used to have in my back, seemed to have disappeared. People are noticing me again. I thought those days had long since passed me by. I even went out on 3 dates this past week! Can you believe it??? I LOVE MY BAND!!!! and THE NEW ME!!!
  2. DANG RAMONA!!! Your legs are going to fall off!! But WAY TO GO!!! That is a lot of freaking steps!
  3. I got my band on 5/23/08 and I am still swollen. I asked my fill doc about when I had my first fill on 7/9 and she said that what happened is that fluid accumulated under and/or near the large insicion because they pull the skin/tissue etc...down/up from there in order to get the band in. She said that eventually it will go away, but right now my abdomen still looks misshapened and has a lump. On a good note, it does seem to be going down as of late. Here is the other thing, I have fibroids in my uterus and I absolutely look like I have a "baby bump". I am constantly swollen at about 16 weeks pregnant. The more weight I lose the more noticeable it becomes! My doc told me I could have a hysterectomy any time I like to get them out, but if I could tolerate all the other stuff that goes with it, then I didn't have to have the surgery. Has anyone had a hysterectomy or other major surgery AFTER you got your band? Maybe I should have had them both done together. Seems a shame to have to be cut open again!
  4. Julie mine doesn't tick at all and it has a leash so it won't fall off. I paid around $20 at Sports Authority for it. Have fun with your Wii. I want one!!!!
  5. Happy FRIDAY!! TGIF It is 3:14 PM and I am at 13,640 for the day so far. I am getting ready to go out for the evening and my son says the bump from my pedometer looks stupid under my clothes, so I guess I will not wear it out tonight, so that means I am done for the day. Hope someone beats me today!
  6. Welcome Home Paula! Hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend. You deserve it!!
  7. I am ecstatic...The scale finally said 189.4 today!!! YEAH ME!!!!
  8. It is 8:36 PM and I am at 15,749 for the day and I am taking off my pedometer. Have a great evening
  9. Barb, yes it does. I am not a CPA, but I believe in the US you have to itemize and it is 7%, could be wrong about the percent. On another note, for those of us who are working with a HSA (HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT) and you are lucky enough to have an employer that makes the contribution for you, either in full or in part, as long as you have the receipts, you can reimburse yourself from the account at any time in the future. The reimbursement does not have to be made in the year in which the expense is created. In other words, if your employer puts in $3000 this year and $3000 next year, you can withdraw $3000 in 2009 and use it to pay off the credit card or loan you took to pay for the surgery. Also, you can contribute money to the HSA yourself on a PRE TAX Basis, just like the 401k and use that money to pay for the medical expenses. Every little bit helps.
  10. I am bumping this topic AGAIN, in hopes it will remind us all to keep moving. I haven't posted this week, but I did a little over 13,000 steps on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I am heading out for a walk in a few minutes and plan to have about 15,000 steps today.
  11. Something about this story strikes me as odd.... and WHY CAN'T ANY OF US LOSE 58 LBS. IN ONE MONTH? Cause it doesn't happen!
  12. Anything that works to get your water. I just use a 32 oz. rubber maid bottle 32 oz = 4 cups and drink at least 2 of those each day. Works just as easily and I didnt have to mail away for the bottles. I got mine at target.
  13. Jamie, I don't blame you, everyone should have a rainy day fund and it feels good knowing it is there. It actually allows you more financial freedom when you have it. If you have been able to save 8k since January you clearly are able to create a "saving habit". Have you considered, taking a loan and then using the money you are saving, say $700/month to pay towards the loan balance? It is my understanding that many of these medical loan companies will offer you 12 months, no interest and/or no payments, so you could easily knock off the loan and still keep that 8k in the bank. Remember, even after you pay off the loan, keep saving, just start allocating the funds into longer term investments, that have growth opportunity, instead of into cash like investments. Best of Luck!
  14. CONGRATS Ramona! It must be that fabulous fill and all those thousands of steps you are taking everyday!!! Keep it up, you are doing great!
  15. Time to bump this topic back up to the top of the forum. Happy MONDAY and Happy STEPPING!! It is 8:56 AM and I am at 8049 for the day so far. Let's race and see who gets to 10,000 first.
  16. It is 7:30 PM est and I am at 16,675 for the day. I am done, I am taking off the pedometer. Everyone have a great weekend.
  17. Easy choice....take a day or so in Gettysburg, just for a visit and clearly Dr. in PA! You have seen how well your sister has done using him/her for fills. It is like way closer, so in case of an emergency you have someone very close. Can always go back to Brinkley if you don't like the doc in PA.
  18. LOL...Your a MESS!!! Now with your sis her on the board maybe she will get you whipped into shape! You know what is fun to do in Gettysburg -- A Ghost Walk at Dusk or in the Dark. They say lots of Civil Wars ghosts floating around there! Have a great weekend. PS If I had someone jabbing me more than once, I would be glad for the lidocaine too!
  19. It is proven medically that EXCERSISE will help lift your mood. Get out and move some. Go for a long walk, that shouldn't be too strenuous. If you can get your pace up enough to produce the endorphins, this will definetly help a lot. I have used my treadmill religiously for the last 14 years and I find my mind is most clear while I am on it. When I don't use it I find I am more grumpy. Besides, I use the time on the treadmill to dream of ways to change my house. I have knocked out more walls and expaneded more rooms (in my mind) while on there than I can tell you.
  20. Oh and I am not overfilled. I ate solid food last night, 4 cold shrimp and 3 mushroom caps stuffed with crabmeat. Delicious and it stayed down.
  21. I have to speak up in defense of Dr. Brinkley. I saw her last week on Wednesday. She got my port on the first try, no problems whatsoever. I was surprised that she had me go back on clear liquids for 5 days and then the creamy soup stage for another 5 days. I will admit, I kind of disregarded the clear liquids for 5 days and have mostly done creamy soup stage since last Wednesday. All I know is it worked. I have lost 8 lbs. since my fill and if I wasn't so freaking constipated, I bet it would be more, but I refuse to get back on the scale until I unblock. I am definetly going back to her again. I am scheduled for 8/13 too, but think I will cancel because I don't think I will need a fill again that soon. Ramona, what I don't understand, is if she missed the port entirely and your sister's fill doc has agreed to do your fills, why would you schedule to go back at all?
  22. Seems I am the only 1 keeping this topic going. I didn't post yesterday because I thought maybe everyone was bored with it, but I am going to post anyway and bump it back to the top. I made my 10k yesterday and this morning, 7/18 I am at 9477 already for the day. I know I will hit my 10k for the day again. Have a great day.
  23. Atkins is definetly harsher when you go back on carbs, it is as if they become a sponge and capture all the added fat your consuming while on the diet. If you commit to Atkins, high protein, high fat, low carb, you better not cheat because when you add those carbs in as cheating what you have is the perfect diet for gaining weight. This is in Dr. Atkins book, not in those exact words though. I think what you have to do is cut back the fat and gradually add back the carbs and mostly complex carbs, not the processed carbs we love so much. Typically not what most people do, they continue to eat the fats, (cause it is so good, dang I love butter) and increase carbs and voila the weight goes back on.
  24. Michelle you deserve a BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE! YOU HAVE DONE FABULOUSLY!!! Congrats
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