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Blog Comments posted by bogiesmom

  1. I am soo happy for you and I feel like crying tears of joy with you!!! I am at 8cc in the 11cc band myself and I know what you mean about feeling it now. Unlike my first 3 fills that i got every month, I think this one is going to be around for awhile before I actually need another fill!! I think I am more happy about the thought of not having to go back for another fill for several months then I am about the restriction :lol:

  2. My heart goes out to you on this day of days. I cant even to begin to imagine your trials and tribulations and how you have managed to pull through it. I can only begin to understand that maybe your children are your rocks. I admire your courage on so many levels today and your success in the face of obsticles and a trying time for you puts my own battles in perspective and gives me the gumption to be strong.

    Thanks for sharing your beauty & strength.

  3. I pretty much kept my band a secret too until recently. The problem with the band is that you can only keep it a secret for so long. After this last fill I pretty much had to let some of my immediate co-workers know since there are chubaka sounds coming up my esophagus and out the pie hole, burping, and such. I have not had any negative feedback whatsoever. I have recently joined facebook and have decided NOT to mention my band on there at all even though half of my friends know. The problem is that I have extended family members who I perceive as being very judgemental. My grandmother's 100 is in July and we are having a family reunion. My job is going to be to do my best to avoid eating around them as much as possible OR decide if I want to to the hot liquid thing before eating. I still am struggling with the eating out part - and that is the part that gives me away and that will be the part that gives your secret away. How in the heck am I going to explain to my relatives why I choose to eat a white castle (there are NO white castles in california :( ) with a knife and a fork, cut it into tiny pieces, and proceed to chew it very slowly AND only order 2 of them????? Seriously, I can SAY that I am trying to practice healthy eating habits BUT this is white castle, casual dining, vacation, once every couple of years sort of thing!

  4. Merry Christmas to you. Again i can't see what i am typing. I just hate to see anyone go through what I did. Life can be soooo much better. I thought I would never "love" anyone like i loved my first husband...what a joke. Bogiesmom you will find someone and he will be great. You are to thoughtful...compassionate...caring..and don't seem to care at all to tell someone what you think..hehehe. Those are awesome qualities to have!

    Thank you so much for the appriciation. I found out a long time ago it was easier to be honest then to tell white lies due to being such a terrible actress :unsure: A few years ago I discovered that the meaning of life and the reason we walk this earth is to be of service to others. Everything we do from our careers to raising a family is essentially being of service and everything we receive in return is from others' service to us, even if you take into account the monitary value, this is what makes the world go 'round right?

    Storm, you need to find yourself again and this man is preventing you from doing that. This is not about loosing the weight. In it's very core this is about your journey of self and making the connection between how you feel and what you see in the mirror. You deserve to have a healthy relationship with you and at least for me, my ex-boyfriend told me for 5 years who I was and who he thought I should be (verbally, non-verbally). I realized that after 5 years that he did not like me for who I was but who I am is not all that bad and his opinion was actually more psychotic then he accused me of "being." I realized that my "being" was special and unique to me, not right, not wrong just me. I had given up that relationship with myself and others who appriciated ME for a relationship with him. My loosing the weight is just one part of the journey back to myself. This is the year of self discovery & self improvement. I am reading a lot more and watching TV a lot less, I am enjoying foreign films and avant garde movies again. I get to excercise how I want and when I want. I get to eat the foods that satisfy the mind, body & spirit without worrying about someone elses tastes for a change. I come first this time so that I have more of ME to give to those who care about me. I hope you find your path to yourself and if your man presents obsticles along the way instead of traveler's assistence then I hope you can learn to see him for what he is...just another bump in the road.

  5. Girl, you need to watch some Tyler Perry movies with a bottle of wine okay? Now here goes nothing: (310) 600-4421 CALL ME (I'll bring the movies and wine). This guy is one hot mess and has his head so far up his ass all he sees is shit! Tell him I said to cry me a river and build a damn bridge and walk over it already...as your walking out the door of course.

  6. Storm, you seriously need to CALL ME! This guy is a walking disaster! I just ended a terrible relationship with the jerks of all jerks! I ended it on 12/24/09 and have not looked back since. My life is exactly where I want it right now and honestly, yah things are tough for me financially & I am living paycheck to paycheck, but I can't put a price on my sense of serenity & well-being and neither can you. If he has cheated on you AND treats you this way then get out while the going is good. It took me five years to find a way out and those are years you never get back. I want us to get together on the weekends and do things together. You have a friend here and I think if you got out of your element every once in awhile you will see the bright side (walk towards the light Storm, walk towards the light...) ^_^

  7. I definately think Dr. ortiz is God's madman. He should watch Bram Stoker's Dracula ... quite fitting in my opinion & I mean that in the best possible way being that the movie is in my top 5. Of Course My Fair Lady comes to mind as well for him as he would make the perfect Professor Higgins. I am sure Rex Harrison is smiling down on him right now. :lol:

  8. Storm,

    Please get in touch with me. I know you are trying to be strong but we really do nee to catch up in person. You do not deserve to be treated that way. Resentment has a way of festering for long periods of time.

    Also, the next time you are in the market pick up a box of Nestle Rich Hot Chocholate powder mix WITH CARMEL. It is literally a liquid candy bar for 100 calories a serving.

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