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Blog Comments posted by AnaA

  1. Hi Magpie :)

    Congratulations on having your plication on March 28th!! So you're now on day 13.

    First the precursor, everything I say here is from personal experience and in no way meant to replace the medical advice the OCC can give you. If you feel like something is wrong, please please contact the OCC. I know I did when I just felt like something seemed too intense. Don't feel like you're bothering them (I did at first...) that is what they are there for and they are good at responding.

    Ok, so what I experienced. The bloating, it was the worst! I could not believe how painful GAS could be! Wow. Walking as much as I could helped to bring up the gas. Also I relied quite a bit on papaya enzyme. I still do take it when I feel gassy or bloated (like I do if I eat too much cheese) and it helps to productively get rid of the gas.

    Please call the OCC though about feeling the pressure is so great you feel you could burst. Just the language makes me feel like you should call just to have them ask you questions they know to ask to make sure nothing else is going on. Better safe than sorry always. :)

    The constipation is the worst too. No fun in addition to gas. When I was still on liquids, drank milk of magnesia (that helped me) or more naturally 2 glasses of prune juice a day. That with water may help you to have a bm.

    The problem I had my first couple of days was that the gas was so bad that I felt like something was wrong. As it turned out for me, it was the gas, I just could not believe that something that painful could be gas. As for bowel movements, I think it took me a couple of days to have one, but not over a week. And constipation was something I battled on and off until I found prunes and almonds once I was on regular solid foods. I would ask the OCC though if it has been over 10 days since you've had a bm, that seems long.

    The constant thirst you are feeling may be dehydration?? How much liquid (in ounces) are you taking in a day? The way my restriction dictated I do it, was I would have water with me all day long and then I would sip it every, at first 5 minutes or until I felt the drink go into my stomach and settle enough for me to drink more. It's really the time that I began the relationship of listening to my new body and what it needed, so if you get bloated too fast with the drinking, it could be to fast.

    Also, one thing I learned was that at first, when I was drinking, my sips were too small. I was afraid to drink too fast with my new little banana stomach! Dr. SO told me that I needed to take a bigger drink because taking sips that were as small as I was taking in were going to make me gassier. I guess if I could describe the sips I was taking, it would be like 1/4th of a tablespoon at a time... yep.. I was that concerned to drink too much!

    I went through a period of 3 weeks or so where I started to get dehydrated. I drank pedialyte for that and then found other drinks with electrolytes that specifically addressed hydration. After 3 -4 weeks I was able to finally drink steadily all day long (with breaks in between of course) so my hydration was much better. My friend though, that I met at the OCC who is a nurse ended up getting a hydration drip (I-V) at her hospital (work) because her dehydration was more severe than mine, so again, I would call the OCC.

    For the mental hunger, what I did, was when I would get that, I would outside and get fresh air. Writing what your triggers are helps too. For me, mental hunger was a way to distance myself from uncomfortable feelings, so, once I started to understand that I could say things to myself like, "you don't have to eat to feel good inside..." that kind of thing, it really helped to minimize it. Protein is also great at taking away the hunger pangs for me. It's all a learning process about ourselves.

    Keep in touch Magpie, and please please do call the OCC. I"ll check back here for your reply. Take Care, *HUGS*

  2. I love to read your blogs Lori :) They are so upbeat! I went the plication way, but feel the same way about it you do your sleeve! I am so happy to have found the OCC and it has changed my life for the positive. I am a long time admirer/shopper of all things Goodwill. I just LOVE it and always find the cutest things there! I just bought a black sequenced dress for a party next weekend, it is quite the hot little number for $9.00!! Can you say HAPPY!?! Thanks for your blogs and all your support when I was going through the pre-decision process. <3

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  3. Hi Raalex, sorry for the delay in responding to you! :) Thank you for your congratulations too :) I know that you will do well too, it is a great tool. I have not had the lap band or anything else prior to this. The plication is the only weight loss surgery / procedure I have had, but before that I tried every diet there was, and those only resulted in yo yo dieting. Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Raalex,

    If I had it to do all over again, I would. I had my surgery for my plication in July, just 5 months ago and I have already lost 59lbs! I never dreamed last year, heading into 2012 at 221 lbs that heading in to 2013 I would be weighing 162!! I wear 9/10 jeans now and it feel so fantastic to just wear normal sized clothes, to go in to regular shops, etc. It's far too common, the amount of people out there who have negative mind sets about the phrase, "surgery in Mexico". I truly believe there are good and bad sugeons in Mexico AND the US. That is why it is up to us to look into the Dr.'s we chose to make sure we are getting the best attention and medical care possible and yet how often do we do this with our US Dr.'s? I know I hear the same kind of horror stories about kaiser medical care in the US but personally I have been fine with it. It's up to us to look into our Dr.'s and their medical practices. I know I did my homework on Dr. Ortiz. Not because he was a Dr. operating in Mexico, but because surgery is important and always a risk no matter what. I was impressed and rest assured with his world renown medical reputation. And even at that I was STILL nervous when it was 3 days away! lol I think that's natural for us to feel concerned or worried or anxious as it gets closer. I mean it is surgery. So take time to breathe, fill yourself with positive thoughts, and do your homework. Take Care! *hugs*

  5. Thanks so much Lori! :)

    Oh, you are sooo right about forgetting how sugar can take over. I mean, i've written at least 3 posts talking about how I have to stay away from it and yet I had to re-learn again on another level for Thanksgiving just how real that is. I love your description of it not wanting to let go of us. That is what it feels like. A mean little vicce grip with a chip on its shoulder... lol

    Thank you so much for being proud of me! *HUGS* That feels so great to hear. :) It is an important lesson. Sugar is a craving trigger. The surgery has been the most perfect tool and I really truly needed it. But you are absolutely right, it is a great tool, not the solution in and of itself. Thank you thank you sister for acknowledging my werkin it. I love your blog and am continually inspired by your progress too!

  6. Hi Lori,

    I know what you mean about holding small clothes! As my clothes get smaller it is amazing to think, wow, I wear THOSE. It is the same for me when I look back on the clothes I used to wear, 4 sizes larger! I love it! I have gone through those same tests you did, mine back in 2007 before my plication surgery at the OCC. And while they did not call me 'celiac' all they would say is IBM issues and a 'sensitivity' to flour. Well, that is celiac enough for me. I have stayed away from flour since 2007 because when I eat it, it feels like thousands of tiny needles ripping through my stomach. Painful and just not nice. Personally I consider it a blessing. We are lucky we live in a time where there are gorgeous gourmet GF (gluten free) foods everywhere now! And gorgeous almond milk. I enjoyed reading your post and feel very happy for you and very happy for those of us who have found the fantastic Dr.'s at the OCC. Continued success. :)

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  7. Hi Daneen,

    Thank you so much for your feedback! This is exactly why I am doing this and i'm so glad that you benefit from the read. I intend to keep them coming. :)

    Hi Pam

    Yes, dairy is not a friend at the moment. I went on vacation and ate at this great vegan/vegetarian place in London/SOHO, I go to this place every time I am in London because the food is so basically amazing and right after I ate there, well, EVERYTHING was moving in the right direction!! Wish I were there now. :)

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