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Embracing the Alpha & Omega.

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Oh Glorious Restriction!

So I had my 3rd fill and drum roll please......I have restriction. It has been almost 2 weeks and I am happy to report the level may have dropped a bit, but shazam! RESTRICTION!!! I am eating less! I am either not eating at night or eating very little! The scale is moving! I am so happy and hope this fill will last for a little while. *crosses fingers* I have lost 25 glorious pounds! Woo woo! It is hard to not have restriction, to have to wait a month between fills. Joined 24 hr fit



Carb cycling oh my!

So I have dropped off the face of the earth or so it seems. The rules at work have changed a bit and that is where I was doing some reading. Ya know over lunch or on a break. Sure do miss everyone. Staying caught up is harder now, seems I skim more now than ever. At least I read your posts. I have been carb cycling bug time. Seems junk has come in to my diet and boy it sure shows on the scale. I am holding the same on the scale. Or doing the 2 step. Garin 2 loose 2 gain 2 loose 2.



Taking care of me. A bit of house cleaning is in order!

Since it is not in me to change anyone other than myself, I am setting off on yet another journey. I am hoping to transform myself into an even more beautiful person. I am beautiful, and need some refining work done. A little plastic surgery if you will to fix a spot or three! My co-worker, who I have been allowing to drain the life force out of me, shared some great news with me today. She is staying here and will not be moving. Our relationship is one that has caused me some pain and dis



A little of this, a bit of that, and you have todays entry.

Let's see, therapy went well. Did the intake stuff. Ya, know the drill....tell about your family members, your life....what you want to work on. June recommended that I read a book. Went to the library to get a library card. Haven't had one since....well since I lived in Wyoming. Really a long time ago. Not sure why...guess I got to caught up in life and wasn't reading. So I was getting my card issued to me, and I was glancing around for the card catalogs......yep you guessed it. Didn't



New development.

The hospital I have chosen to go to for my aftercare, suggests that I see a counselor. I got the name of the Dr and called yesterday to make the apt. I was caught slightly off guard by the receptionist. Because I am a self pay for my surgery, she noted that, and assumed that this would be the case for therapy. After some chit chat back and forth, I explained to her that my insurance does cover therapy, however it does not cover the WLS. She then informed me that my insurance would indeed no



Hurt, disappointment, awareness, clarity! Oh my!

I am so hurt, disappointed, and let down right now, that I can hardly think straight. Relationships are hard. In fact, they are an “area” in my life that I continue to struggle with. What to say, how much to say…the truth is a strange thing. It can be spoken out of love, in anger, out of revenge, or even by mistake. There are so many ways we can twist words; some words spoken to suit our selves, some not. I have a friend in my life that is a complete self absorbed person, she knows this a



It's official.

I am in the dumps. I can see the positive changes and the good that has happened since being banded. Honestly, I am down and out. Guess what!? That is not a good place to be. I feel like I am a failure and that I am all alone in the banded world. Boo hoo, I know, cry me a river... This is my blog and I am telling it how it is.



No weight gain...no weight loss. I wish this wasn't my story.

I have had no weight gain or weight loss. I am bummed. I mean how can I not be bummed? Logically, I know that I can not compair myself with anyones else, however this is easier said then done when you are not having some success. I've been trying my best to focus on the postive and keep my head up. More and more I am realizing how many expectations I really had. Now, that I can see my expectations for what they are, it is a bit of a bite to swallow. I can not help but feel like a fail



I have my first fill under my belt!

I had my first fill yesterday. (June 1, 2009) I arrived early so I could check in to the access center. I had to chuckle because the TV in the access center was set to the Jerry Springer show. Now honey that is some drama! LOL Pay my $50.00 and go upstairs to meet my new Dr. Almost as soon as I checked in Michelle came out to take me back to pay the $1000.00 fee. Within 2 minutes I was in a room meeting with Dr. McBride. She is very nice and a fellow bandster. She has had her band for 6



It's fill time baby!

It’s fill time baby! I go on Monday for the first fill in the band! I am so ready. Feels like I can eat anything. On occasion I have had some hang ups with bread mostly. It would not surprise me one bit if I was not able to eat bread for much longer. Not overly concerned about it. Taking it all in stride, that is the great thing about “forced behavior modification” since I have issues with food, it is good to have that firm do this and feel pain and cause complications. No, don’t, shoul



Another mess of feelings!

I’ve slowed down on my blog. Here is the latest. I am so happy to have this lap band. Really, I am so happy. My hope for a skinny future is on my mind, and I am working toward a goal. Eating healthier and having portion control is huge for me. Really I thought this in between time would be harder for me, not saying it is not hard. To my surprise I have not stuffed my face uncontrollably or done anything crazy. This fact makes me feel good. I am drinking 60 oz or water a day or more and th



Best Mothers Day gift ever!

I have been banded! Need I say anything more? This is the greatest gift. It could be considereda life time of gifts! The gift that keeps on giving! I got it! I am on the final phase of my post-op diet! Thank goodness! I am staying steady at the weight I had my surgery. I may vary a lbs/kg or two, but not much. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!



Poop! I am a mom of a toddler so I talk about poop!

Let's talk about poop. Being the mom of a baby or toddler has brought a new subject to my conversation. Poop! The first phase of the liquid diet I noticed my bowel movements to be "loose." Then I would go a day inbetween movement. Which felt stange. I have been a once a day pooper for a long while, sometimes twice. I know TMI but I have found lots of bandsters are superised at the lack of poo. I was! The first good poo came the second week of the liquid diet. I was pleasantly suprise



7 Days! But who's counting! Me!

Well in 7 more days I will be finished with my post op diet. I am counting down. I am doing "pretty good" but not scoring 100%. I've had my cheat moments. Here is a list of my cheats. 1 slice of banana (this caused mild chest pain and major spit) 4 days after surgery (dumb a$$) 1/2 cup of mash potatoes 3 sticks of string cheese (at different times) 3 bites of a cookie 1/2 cup of tuna helper (that I did not finish) 1 bite of bread 1 slice of hot dog (I chewed and spit) graham cracker




Here is a list of items I packed for the trip. Liquid Tylenol Gas-X strips / Beano drops Unisom sleep melts (I have trouble sleeping) Neosporin plus pain relief Heating Pad Thermal care (for the flight home) Benefiber powder Stool softener BlackBerry and charger. Book to read. Cashiers Check Paperwork/Health survey. Green Tea to go ( I am taking a few of each kind.) Crystal Light plus protein to go Special K Protien water to go. Wyler's Instant boullion Chicken "granules" (Ve



Surgery memories and events.

Okay here is the run down. I was the first one to have surgery on Friday 4/24/09! (Which was awesome!) I was in by 10 and back in my room by 10:30. Walking by 11ish. I decided to stay at the Marriott with my mom, and was back at the hotel by 4 ish. Had no gas pains. None! I don't know if this has anything to do with the price of rice, but I took Beano gas drops as I was leaving or room before surgery and took gas-x strips the day of my surgery. Like I said, I don't know if that had anything to d



Eleven days post-op!

Well, it has been 11 days post-op. It is going pretty good. I have had a few small cheats, but for the most part I am doing liquids. Really thought soup would be more yummy than it is. I am beginning to feel hungry. Not bad, just a mild hunger. I struggle to not eat when I cook my family there meals. I've asked my husband to pitch in to help, but he doesn't seem to want to. Bummer. He has a few times, but he isn't the cook so it's hard on him too. I have moments when I just want to e



Looking forward to a relationship with my new band. Self doubt.

When I read about how people live with the band, and think oh my, what am I getting myself into? I have to remind myself, that I will have my own relationship with the band. Each of us is different. For me this is a life change, and one that I sometimes look at like.....am I ready to give up my love affair with food. I enjoy food and find comfort in food. Sometimes when I read what people are eating I think.....I wouldn't choose to eat those foods. Like almonds for a snack. Really, I hav



Back in the states and Swine Flu oh boy!

Well, I am back to work and living life! I am feeling great and if you look at me you would not think I had surgery four days ago. I think the fear people have about the swine flu is a bit blown up. My sitter had a mild panic attack about watching my son. My goodness, if I had swine flu, I would be ill. Odds are my family would be ill as well. I am feeling great and so ready for the healing to begin! I am 33 days away from my 1st fill! Been drinking and having a little head hunger from



I am in bandland!

Surgery went well. I decided to stay at the Marriott instead of the clinic. A bit more comfortable. I am feeling very good, so far very limited pain. I have been walking and drinking. Think I will lay down an take a little nap. I have the the 10cm 4 cc band from Inamed. I was very happy when I met with Dr. Miranda. When I stepped on the scale to be weighed in , I was 265 on the money! That is what my goal was. Yippee! So I lost 5% of my body weight as asked. I am so happy my mom de



I leave tomorrow!

I leave tomorrow bright and early for Tijuana, MX! I am excited, and for the most part ready. I do have a few details to tie up. My nerves have settled. It helped me to get my bag packed. That put me at ease, knowing I will not be in a rush to finalize any details. First thing this morning I printed my boarding pass. Yesterday I spent some time reading peoples negative experiences with the band. Worst cases! It was interesting, and I'll I can do is pray that those stories do not becom



Verbal vomit!

So, I am a pretty open person. Shortly after my decision to have the lab-band I decided to share with my close family and friends what I was doing. I knew that it would open myself up to comments, questions, and all that fun stuff that goes along with mentioning 1. surgery in a back alley butcher shop.... a.k.a. Mexico. 2. having weight loss surgery. God forbid I get off my large butt, excersise, and eat right like the rest of the normal skinny world. That being said, let's not forget to me



A nervousness has settled in with me today.

I feel nervous, tense, or a general unease. I leave at the later part of the week to be banded. I had planed to pack my bag today in preparation for my trip at the end of the week. It's like I have a block. So I decided to come here and type out my feelings. A short trip, I believe will do me some good. To get away and have some time with no one to care for other than myself. That sounds terrible I bet. I love my son dearly, and the thought of not being around to kiss and tuck him in m



One week away!

Well, I am down to 7 days. But who is counting right?! ME of coarse! I am counting! Yes indeedy! I am happy that I am making some friends who are getting banded and have already been banded. It's the best of both worlds. I get real life experience and get to chatter about what is on our busy little minds. Yesterday I got a good email message from Montana. She was talking about real life band expirences. Which is so awesome. I can't really wrap my head around all the changes that will be



Ants in my pants....ants in my pants, and Momma strings

I am feeling like I have ants in my pants! I am nearly a week away from my departure to San Diego/Tijuana and I am feeling so ready! I am not one to wish away time, because I believe time is precious. I have "things" to do before I leave. Like packing for my trip, which should take a few minutes. Me being a practical person, I am packing fairly light. So that is really not a big deal. I do need to loose some more weight.....darn it! I am holding steady at 9-10 lbs. Dr. Miranda asked m



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